Guidelines for External NMH Providers
Providers of Non-Medical Help (NMH) support must adhere to the Disabled Students’ Allowances Quality Assurance Framework (DSA-QAF) standards, and ensure that all relevant policies and procedures are in place, shared with the student, and made available to the University.Ìý
DSA-Quality Assurance Group (DSA-QAG) requires external NMH providers to set up reporting mechanisms with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to inform them of the support being provided to their students.Ìý They must explain to students the importance of the reporting mechanism, and encourage students to give permission for information to be shared.Ìý External providers must also familiarise themselves with the information provided by the HEI (see below) regarding the delivery of NMH services to their students, and cascade this information to their NMH workers.
These guidelines provide a framework for operational activities to ensure that all parties are aware of the standards expected of them.
Communication and Feedback
Disability Services
Disability Services sit within Student Services and collaborate within a network of Disability Tutors across academic schools and departments to facilitate an accessible and inclusive learning environment for disabled students.Ìý Personal Learning Support Plans (PLSPs) ensure that reasonable adjustments are implemented.Ìý More information about roles and responsibilities can be found at:Ìý /studentservices/disability/index.php
The Disability Support Manager is the dedicated point of contact for external NMH providers.Ìý Information about external NMH provision should be sent to
Responsibilities of External NMH providers:
External NMH providers must:
- Inform the University if supplying support to our students, including the named person within the organisation (including contact details) with whom we can liaise about any student support queries.
- Where students are DSA-funded, they are expected to share their Needs Assessment Report with the University and the external provider should inform students of this and facilitate this activity with the University as necessary.
- Ensure funding is in place before commencing sessions with a student, monitor the use of the allocated hours, and ensure that students do not run out of funding (ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï is not accountable for any payments that SFE refuse to pay).
- Arrange suitable meeting rooms for support sessions.
- Signpost students back to the Disability / SpLD / Mental Health Adviser or academic school to discuss any issues relating to University services or their course.Ìý Students with issues or queries about their disability support should contact us themselves.Ìý We do not encourage NMH workers to advocate for students.Ìý Often the best way for students to contact us is by email: or phone: 01248 382032
- Contact Disability Services immediately if any concerns arise relating to engagement with the support, welfare, safety / security, or academic progression so that this can be followed up in a timely manner.
- Provide a summary report for each student receiving band 4 support at the end of each semester (end of January and May), to include:
- name of student(s) and CRN number;
- name of external NMH workers(s);
- brief description of support supplied;
- date on which support commenced;
- number of sessions / hours of support delivered that term, and total for the year to date;
- location of support provision;
- information on any issues that the University needs to be aware of or follow up.
Wherever possible, we require information to be shared electronically in a secure format.
- Provide copies of any relevant policies on request.
- Provide the University with information on how to provide feedback on an ad hoc basis.
Access to ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï for external NMH workers
Visiting and Parking
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï is not a campus University and parking is severely limited.Ìý Visitors are encouraged to use nearby public car parks.Ìý Blue badge holders can arrange parking by contacting
Information about visiting and how to get around can be found at: /campusmap
The University’s guide, Getting Around ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïis also a helpful first point for information on accessing buildings: /studentservices/guide/index.php.en
Bookable confidential space
External providers are responsible for providing suitable meeting facilities that are comfortable, confidential and take account of student’s disability-related needs.Ìý Students are able to book University meeting rooms however these are are very limited in availability. Ìý External providers may contact the University’s Business Development Services for information on hiring rooms:
External NMH workers should only enter areas that are required as part of their agreed NMH support.Ìý They must not enter any workshops, laboratories or other similar hazardous areas unless specifically authorised by University staff and then only when supervision is in place and the appropriate safety clothing / equipment (this will not be provided by the University) is being worn.
Support worker access to online materials (online teaching)
This would be assessed on an individual basis factoring in the individual needs of the student being supported, the learning activity and the assessed NMH. Contact our NMH Co-ordinator for further information.
Access to Libraries
See: /library/visitor/visitor.php.en
Places to eat and drink at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï:
See: /eatdrinkbangor/Ìý
Health & Safety information
See: /hss/visitors.php
NMH workers have a duty to familiarise themselves with emergency procedures for the building (as displayed on building emergency notices).Ìý If an emergency alarm activates, NMH workers must leave the building as directed immediately.Ìý Please note that lifts must not be used if the fire alarm is sounding. If you are unable to evacuate a building via the stairs, please refer to the Getting Around ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïdocument for the location of Refuge Points in individual buildings: /studentservices/guide/index.php.en
Security Services
The Security section of the Property & Campus Services Department comprises of a well-trained team of individuals who are entrusted with the security of students, staff and visitors, as well as the University estate.
Any accidents or emergency situations must be reported to Security Services, see: /eo/security.php for phone numbers.
Dealing with a Mental Health Emergency
See: /studentservices/mentalhealth/emergency.php
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï Services / Policies relevant to External NMH Providers and Workers
Updated August 2024