Student Services & Administration is committed to continually developing its services in response to your feedback. Listed below are some recent examples of how we have enhanced our services in response to student and staff feedback.
Access Centre
- Waiting times for a Study Needs Report from the Access Centre were too long.
- Cut appointment waiting times by 50% (from 23 to 11 working days) and the time taken to receive a Study Needs Report by 30% (from 10 to 7 working days).
- It was difficult to find somewhere that sold Coloured Overlays
- We made them available via our online shop
Disability Service
- More flexibility in offering 1:1 specialist study skills support outside of standard 9–5 hours for students on placement.
- Out of hours’ service available on one weekday evening if required up to 7pm.
- Help with maths and statistics.
- Dedicated SpLD Maths Tutor available full-time throughout the year.
- Provision of same day sessions.
- Drop-in service introduced every day 12-1 during term time. This includes support with statistics and support through the medium of Welsh available on specific days.
- Share information with Academic Schools on inclusive and accessible formats / design of coursework assignments and forms.
- The Disability Service is actively engaged in developing inclusive teaching across ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï. Inclusive learning and teaching is at the top of the Agenda of Disability Services as changes to the Disabled Students’ Allowance come into force.
- You wanted shorter waiting times.
- Offer drop in sessions in the SU run by our Mental Health Advisers
- Staff requested training in mental health awareness.
- Our Mental Health Advisers are now accredited Mental Health First Aid trainers and offer a rolling programme of staff training across the university with excellent feedback
- Not sure what to expect if I come for dyslexia support
- Created a leaflet to explain what we do (available here) and ran taster sessions in Welcome Week
- More availability
- We have now employed 2 sessional staff who have begun offering support from week commencing 18th April 2018.
Counselling Service
Careers and Employability Service
- Not all students can attend careers appointments at the times they are available and/or in Rathbone Building
- Made careers clinic appointments available every week day.
Set up Employability Pop Ups across university sites.
Set up dedicated weekly online Skype appointments.
Offer phone appointments and dedicated e-guidance advice. - You need access to major national and global employers
- We have now increased coach transport to major careers fairs to twice a year
- The university Jobs Fair was too broad without enough local opportunities for students looking for part-time work
- The 2017 Jobs Fair focused solely on local opportunities – part time jobs and work experience / volunteering
- You need workshops that help you deal with mental resilience, lack of confidence and adversity
- We have introduced new workshop titles covering these topics
- Workshops need to be more diverse in their delivery (e.g. videos), interactive and give the opportunity to practise skills
- We have introduced these where possible and made some workshops longer to include scope to practise
Peer Guides
- The Peer Guide surveys showed Halls students wanted more time to get to know flatmates in Welcome Week and those not living in Halls asked for more Peer Guide contact.
- We met with the Halls Office and agreed an evening in Welcome Week for Halls based events which gives the opportunity for Peer Guides to concentrate on those students not living in Halls.