For more information on all matters relating to Student Health, please see our online
All students are required to register with a local General Practitioner and should do so as soon as possible in their first term in Bangor. Local practices and details of special student health services are given below:
How to register with a G.P.
You are free to choose which practice to register with, and, of course, if you are already living in the area you may choose to remain registered with your appropriate practice. We recommend you complete your registration as soon as possible after your arrival. You can paste the following link into your browser:
Early registration at Bodnant is particularly important if you take regular medication or if you have a long-term condition. All surgeries, including Bodnant, require 3 working days’ notice to prepare prescriptions under normal circumstances. Although we will always attempt to help out in an emergency, long term prescriptions are far easier to deal with if we have plenty of prior notice of your request.
The most convenient ways to request any long-term medication from the surgery are via either the e-consult system which is easily accessible from the home page of the surgery website: . You can also come Bodnant Surgery reception desk if you prefer.
You will need to book a GP or Nurse appointment, depending on the medication you need, to receive your 1st prescription. These appointments need to be booked in advance; therefore you will need to bring a 2 months supply of your medication with you and book an appointment as soon as you arrive in Bangor. You should not wait until your medication has nearly run out.
It will take around 8 weeks for your notes to arrive with the Surgery. If you are an international student, you will need to bring proof of medication with you.
You can order your medication either by sending an econsult which is on the home page of the Bodnant Surgery website or by sending an email to :
You can also register for the NHS Wales App link. Information can be found online here: Please allow 72 working hours for all prescriptions to be processed.
For routine appointments these need to be booked in advance. You can book up to 6 week in advance, by either calling the surgery or filling in an ecosnult which is on the home page of the Bodnant website. For urgent appointments you will need to call at 8am on the day.
For any correspondence with Bodnant via e-consult, please specify that you are a student at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï. This enables us to streamline our services for everyone’s benefit.
Sexual Health Services are also provided by the Surgery. Contact Bodnant for more information.
When you receive a prescription from Bodnant Medical Centre, you are free to take it to any pharmacy of your choice who will then provide you with the medication prescribed. If you are prescribed regular long-term medications, you should discuss with pharmacy staff what is the best way to acquire them regularly in accordance with your needs. All pharmacies in the area do things differently, so please clarify with your chosen pharmacy how exactly your repeat medications should be requested. Running out of medication unexpectedly can be very stressful, therefore prior planning and appropriate discussion is highly recommended.
Following an illness the University may require you to produce a Medical Certificate to explain your absence.
For illness less than 7 days, Self-Certifying forms are available from any GP in the area or print one themselves:
First year students should check their MMR vaccination status with their home GP practice before they attend for the academic year.