Contact us
Student Services & Administration provides a wide range of support services for students- it can also assist you with general enquiries about any aspect of life as a student, either directly or by referring you to the appropriate University department.
Neuadd Rathbone
College Road
LL57 2DF
Tel: 01248 38 2024
Our reception is open Monday - Friday throughout the year from 09:00 to 17:00.
We welcome your feedback. If you have any feedback, please contact one of the following:
Name | Position |
Sue Peet | Deputy Academic Registrar |
Alix Charnley | Head of Careers and Employability |
Gian Fazey-Koven | Head of Student Support & Well-being |
Jack Jackson | Wellbeing Manager |
Danielle Barnard | Student Support Manager |
Jane Jones | Disability Manager (Learning Services) |
Esther Griffiths | Disability Support Manager |