Spiritual, Prayer and Meditation resources
In response to the current circumstances, and the restrictions on religious practice brought about in response to the Coronavirus, denominations and faiths have been developing a wide variety of online tools to help. The Chaplaincy Team are recommending the following sites for Online Services, Spiritual, Prayer and Meditation resources:
Mass and other Services online during the Coronavirus restrictions.
is a service broadcasting live and recorded Mass and other services from a variety of Catholic Churches across the UK, Ireland and the USA.
Of these I would personally recommend the services offered by the in Lymington, England .
Mass is also broadcast (Tues – Sun) within our Diocese by our local Bishop, , from his Chantry Chapel in Bishop’s House on the Diocesan Facebook page.
And is available daily on YouTube from the .
Spiritual, Prayer and Meditation Resources
- The blog of the student brothers of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans). Built on the four pillars of Dominican life – preaching, prayer, study, and community – Godzdogz offers many resources for exploring the Catholic Faith todayÂ
Ampleforth Abbey – The Benedictine Monastery in Yorkshire has started a series of Virtual Day ‘ for those in lockdown. Each retreat consists of a 10-15 minute reflection and a series of suggestions for activities and further reflection throughout the day. The Monks hope you will then join them at 8:15pm to pray Compline together.
‘ in Britain – are offering a ‘Corona One Stop Shop’ offering links to services, advice on prayer and home retreats. The links include a link to the ‘ audio exercises designed to be a prayer tool for challenges you might be facing with mental health. There are seven audio exercises based on different themes, designed to encourage, in God's presence, prayerful awareness of any feelings of unease or distress. These short exercises last no more than 8 minutes.
For those interested in Meditation from a Christian perspective I would recommend the which has information on how to meditate
The ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï& Holyhead Methodist Circuit is an English-speaking faith community with 5 centres of worship: Amlwch, Bangor, Holyhead, Llanfairfechan and Penmaenmawr.
Our Circuit Website gives location and contact details:
St. John’s Methodist Church in Bangor currently uses Zoom Video every Sunday so that people can gather safely to worship.
You can join these services from a PC, tablet or smartphone with sound and video or from a mobile phone or landline with sound only. Contact details for the services are available from Peter Thorpe by email at peter.thorpe@gulmay.com or phone on 01492 580112.
The ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏMethodist Collective is led by our Student Worker Izzy Middleton, herself a student, and is specifically for Students at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï. It is currently meeting online.
Facebook: BangorMethodistCollective
Izzy can be contacted by email at izzy.bangormethodist@gmail.com
The Methodist Church in Britain has a website that provides a host of information, daily bible study and prayer alongside links to the wider Methodist family:
Coffee with Sr. Vassa:
Services (English and Old Church Slavonic) audio and video streamed from the Russian Church in Oxford:
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh was not only one of the most outstanding Bishops of the Russian Church but of the whole Christian world. He is also on youtube but I think there is no specific channel dedicated to him.
I regard it as a huge honour to have professed a monk and ordained by him to the Holy Priesthood in 1979.
(in English)
(in Russian)
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia is an Emeritus Professor of Oxford University
The Holy New-martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna In 1918, the U.S.S.R. Communist government exiled her to and then to , where she was violently killed by the local Bolsheviks on , 1918. She was a relative of the Royal family of the U.K. A statue of her can be seen outside Westminster Abbey above the main entrance.
Some talks
- Metropolitan Anthony Bloom - Prayer In The Christian Life
- Metropolitan Anthony Bloom - Doubt and Questioning Series - 1 - Faith Doubt Questioning
- Metropolitan Anthony Bloom - 1984 Christmas Interview (impressive response on TV interview)
- Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia- Part 1: 'What does it mean to be a person'
- The Right Reverend Alexis, Bishop of Bethesda, U.S.A. Some Thoughts on the Crisis and the Call of the Corona Virus.
Streamed services
- English and Old Church Slavonic:
- Church of The Holy New-martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna, Wallasey:
- Russian Orthodox Cathedral, London:
- English and Romanian:
Church Calendars
- In Romanian (Moldovan Orthodox Church)
- In Romanian (Romanian Orthodox Church)
- In Russian:
- In English:
Society of Friends Quaker Meeting Bangor. Meetings for Worship
At Quaker Meeting House, Dean Street, ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï10.30-11.30am
Open to all who wish to attend. Social distancing will apply and wearing of masks.
Zoom Meeting 10.30-11.30am
Organised by North Wales Area Meeting. Please contact Jani Evans, janievansmac@gmail.com, the Quaker Chaplain, for Zoom address and password.
At Quaker Meeting House ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï1pm- 1.45pm. Open to all who wish to attend. Social distancing and wearing of masks will apply.
Zoom Meeting 5.40-6.15pm
Please email Jani Evans as above for Zoom address.
For any other information regarding the ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏQuaker Meeting please contact Jani Evans at janievansmac@gmail.com
Support links for students
- The is an online series of workshops and seminars looking at the work Quaker Peace and Social Witness – and key partner organisations – does with and on behalf of Friends to build a more peaceful, just and sustainable world
Welsh Evangelical
While the restrictions due to the pandemic remain, we meet online, with a service on Sunday on the Capel y Ffynnon YouTube channel. We also have a meeting at 5.00 pm on Zoom.
We have other various activities, details of which can be obtained by contacting Dafydd at dafyddmj@gmail.com
More information on our