What we do for Students
1.Here are some examples of what we can do for you
2.Support for Students Awaiting ASD Diagnosis at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï
We offer a service for all disabled students whether full-time or part-time, undergraduate or postgraduate. We consider each person’s requirements on an individual basis and work within the framework of the University’s confidentiality policy. We do need to ask for some form of documentary evidence for certain arrangements, for example, adjustments to examinations, parking permits.
Here are some examples of what we can do for you:
- Provide information about disability, including specific learning differences or mental health issues, and the services and support which might be available.
- Offer personal and academic support and guidance.
- Advise on strategies to make studying and everyday tasks more manageable.
- We can advise UK students on applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), and for students not eligible for the DSA we can advise on possible alternatives.
- Provide support workers, for example Mentors, Practical Assistants, Sighted Guides etc.
- Assist with the organisation of specific examination requirements.
- Arrange for the provision of BSL interpretation.
- Arrange for additional library provision.
- Arrange for a Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP) to ensure necessary arrangements (reasonable adjustments) are in place.
- Keep in touch through meetings, newsletters, e-mail and phone.
- Refer students to other professionals who can help, for example, Counselling Service or Community Mental Health Team.
Work closely with your School’s Disability Tutors
Support for Students Awaiting ASD Diagnosis at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï
Do you think you might be on the Autism spectrum?
Our Disability Advisers can support students who think they might be on the autism spectrum but have not received a formal diagnosis or are awaiting a diagnosis, in various ways:
- Tips and advice on support for transition into University.
- Face to face meeting with an Adviser to discuss issues surrounding classwork and assignments, socialising and other aspects of university life.
- Discuss possible options, such as how to seek a diagnosis or how to get a referral to local services.
- Advise on services within ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï that students can use for support (not specifically disability-related).
If you are wondering if you might be autistic, you can ask your GP to refer you for an autism assessment. The University does not offer autism screening or assessment - this is only available via the NHS or privately. You may prefer to enquire if the NHS waiting list in your home area is shorter than here in ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïand ask your home GP for a referral. If you have the financial means, some people choose to pay privately for an assessment (Disability Advisers can provide you with contact details of local private services).
The North Wales Integrated Autism Service (IAS) was set up in 2018 and supports students with the process of diagnosis and beyond. The IAS accept self-referrals. Disability Advisers can help students to complete the self-referral form.
Here is a link to their website:
More information about diagnosis can be found on the National Autistic Society website here: https://www.autism.org.uk/about/diagnosis/adults.aspx
The web pages contain lots of useful further information.
Students with Temporary Injuries and Conditions
Students who have temporary injuries and conditions and require adjustments must provide Disability Services and their School with appropriate evidence, for example a note from their GP or consultant confirming the illness or injury, date of onset and likely duration. We can then arrange for appropriate arrangements to be put in place.
Here is an example of adjustments that Disability Services can arrange on your behalf providing the relevant documentation is provided:
Loan of computer
Wheelchair loan
Notetaking support
Library assistance
Extensions to deadlines
Alternative exam arrangements
Students with temporary illnesses or injuries may be permitted to have adjustments to examination arrangements such as rest breaks or extra time, use of a computer or a scribe. Please note that whilst the nature of temporary injuries and conditions is such that students may not be able to give the University as much notice as is normally required, some arrangements will require reasonable notice, eg two weeks.
You may also be eligible for support from the Hardship Fund towards taxi fares. An Adviser will help you to explore this option.
Email Disability Services or phone on 01248 382032.
Updated 08.07.2022