How we work across the University to make improvements
By listening to you! You can feedback to us any way you wish, but the main thing is to let us know what works for you, and what doesn’t. You can also participate in a number of University Groups and Committees. Not only does this give you the opportunity to have your say, but you can also gain invaluable experience, and get XP points as well!
For more information, see ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏEmployability Award
Inclusive Access Working Group (IAWG)
University policy is to ensure that all new works and refurbishment includes the needs of disabled people, is chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Students) and reports to the Property & Campus Services Task Group and to the Disability Working Group. IAWG prioritises key areas of work in order to remove unnecessary barriers and improve the physical environment. The Group recognises the importance of disabled stakeholders in decision-making and is very keen to increase student membership.
If you would like to sit on this Group, or require further information, please contact
Mental Health Strategy Group
The Mental Health Strategy has three main strands: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties, Promoting Mental Well-being and Supporting Staff. The Group meets three times a year to discuss developments and implementation of further provisions for students with mental health issues.
If you would like to sit on this Group, or require further information, please contact
Get involved and have your say!
The Student Counselling Service and Mental Health Advisers would like to offer you the chance to influence the services you use. Service User Groups give you the opportunity to tell us what you think of the services we provide, what we could be doing better, and what other things you would like to see us doing. The information gathered will feed into our future strategy and policy development plans.
Students’ Union
We work closely with the Students’ Union. The SU Director, Sabbatical Officers and Disabled Student Rep are invited to sit on relevant Groups.
Updated 17.12.19