Personal Learning Support Plans (PLSP)
Additional support for students who require reasonable adjustments as a result of disability is provided by an individual Personal Learning Support Plan. PLSPs outline the effects of disability and include the recommended adjustments that are required to ensure students are able to access their course and facilities.
If you are a new student, or you have not yet registered for a PLSP yet, you can do so at:
You will need to either upload your documentary evidence or forward a copy to Disability Services.
Current students should be able to view and agree to their PLSP in myÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïat:
For more information on adjustments please view .
What is a PLSP?
Additional support for students who require reasonable adjustments as a result of disability is provided by a Personal Learning Support Plan. PLSPs outline the effects of disability and include the recommended adjustments that are required to ensure individual students are able to access their course and facilities.
Am I eligible to have a PLSP?
If you require reasonable adjustments, as a result of disability you are entitled to a PLSP. ‘Disability’ in this context includes, amongst other things, long-term and enduring health conditions, physical impairments, mental health conditions or specific learning difference (SpLD) including dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD(H)D.
What do I have to do to get a PLSP?
You need to take a number of steps:
- Register with Disability Services). You can do so at: /
- Consent to share information. When registering, tick the consent to share information box. See our confidentiality policy.
- Provide us with evidence of disability. This can be an Educational Psychologist report, a suitably qualified specialist tutor or a letter from your doctor or other medical practitioner. Any evidence will need to be in either Welsh or English.
- If you have already undergone a Study Needs Assessment for Disabled Students Allowances, please provide us with a copy of the report.
- Ideally, you will upload your document(s) when you register with Disability Services. But, you can also drop by and hand it in, or you can put a copy in the post to us.
- ‘Agree’ the PLSP. Once you have followed the above steps an Adviser will draw up your PLSP. They may wish to see you first, or they may have sufficient information from the evidence of disability that you provided. Once your PLSP is drafted, you will be informed by email and you will be able to view (and print a PDF version if you so wish) within myBangor. You will need to tick the ‘Agreed by Student’ box. As soon as you do this, your PLSP will go ‘live’ and will be viewable by relevant staff in order to implement the reasonable adjustments.
- If you require some amendments to your PLSP, tick the ‘Disputed by Student’ box and email or call 01248 383620 or 382032 to discuss.
- If you take no action within 5 days, we will assume that you are happy with your PLSP and it will go ‘live’ so that we can put in place your reasonable adjustments without delay.
Who will see my PLSP?
Only relevant staff who need to put in place recommendations and reasonable adjustments:
- Disability Services
- Either Staff in the Dyslexia or Disability teams – in order to create, administer and manage your PLSP.
- Key staff within your academic school
- Your school’s Disability Tutor, Personal Tutor and your School's Senior Tutor can view the whole PLSP. Your Disability Tutor will agree to the adjustments to teaching & learning and assessment, ensuring they are in keeping with the learning outcomes of your course.
- Administrators will need to know if you are entitled to reasonable adjustments and will be able to view your PLSP. Exam Officers can view a report of students in their schools who have reasonable adjustments for exams.
- Module organisers have access to a class list tab where students’ individual teaching and learning entitlements are viewable and are responsible for ensuring that the reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning are implemented.
- Programme Leads have access to a class list tab where students’ individual teaching and learning entitlements are viewable.
- Key staff in central services will have access to a report with your contact details and the required adjustment(s) – they will not be able to view the whole PLSP.
- Library staff will see a report of all students requiring extended library loans and / or the book collection service.
- Parking staff will see a report of all students who are Blue Badge holders or those who require an ‘access to all zones’ permit.
- The University’s Examination Officer will see a report of all students who require adjustments to the end of semester exams as well as individual PLSPs.
- Warden Team will see a report of all students in Halls who want the wardens to make some additional visits to check they are settling in.
- Halls Office will be informed of any student who requires additional facilities, eg a fridge in their room, or particular adaptations to their room.
- If you need a Personal Emergency Escape Plan (PEEP), the University’s Health & Safety Adviser will be able to view the Physical Environment section of your PLSP along with details of your disability and contact details. Your PEEP will be uploaded onto your PLSP and you, the Disability Service, your Disability Tutor (if necessary) and Halls (if necessary) will be able to view your PEEP.
The Head of Governance & Compliance, and nomintated officers in the Governance and Compliance Team, and the PVC (Students) have sight of students' PLSP in accordance with their roles.
Permissions rest with the Head of Disability Services. There will be times because of different course structures when additional teaching staff will require access to the teaching and learning section; there may also be times when additional staff require access in the event of concerns being raised about a student’s welfare, however such permissions will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
As you will see, we take sharing information about disability very seriously and do so only to ensure that your support requirements and reasonable adjustments are in place.  Development of the PLSP App is ongoing and any necessary changes will be made in response to feedback.Â
Remember, you DO have the right to strict confidentiality and restrict who has access to information about your disability, specific learning difference or health condition. In this case, DO NOT tick the consent to share information box when registering with Disability Services. Strict confidentiality will have an impact on the adjustments that we are able to put in place so DO email Disability Services or call 01248 383620 or 382032 to speak to an Adviser to discuss implications and identify an appropriate strategy to ensure you get the disability-related support you require.
If you have any questions, email Disability Services or call on 01248 382032. Updated 11.08.2020