FAQ’S ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏBursaries
Am I eligible for the ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏBursary?
If you are a registered UK on a full-time undergraduate course, liable to pay the £9,000 tuition fee and your taxable household income is below £40,000 you may be entitled to the ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏBursary. Students from Wales who started their studies during or after September 2018 are not eligible.
Do I need to apply for the ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏBursary?
UK students do not need to complete any additional forms.
How much am I entitled to?
Your entitlement will be determined by your taxable household income (i.e. parent(s) or partner), confirmation of which we will get from your student funding organisation.
Household income is below £25,000 = bursary of £1,000
Household income is between £25,000 - £40,000 = bursary of £500
When will the University assess my entitlement?
We assess bursaries awards from middle of February until the end of July every year. Entitlement letters are sent out by post usually to a student’s home address.
When are the bursaries paid?
Bursary awards are paid into a student’s bank account in one lump sum from the 1st March (the same bank account into which your student finance is paid).
Are bursaries paid each year?
Yes, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.
What do I do if I think I am eligible and not received my entitlement letter?
There are several reasons why your bursary has not been assessed/approved/paid, please the check the following:
- You have an outstanding university debt – tuition fees, accommodation, library or disciplinary fines
- You and or your parent(s) may not have given your Student Funding organisation consent to share information with the University. Thankfully this can be easily changed by calling your funding organisation and giving your consent.
- Poor attendance / engagement with your studies. You can check your attendance / engagement via your My ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïaccount.
If having checked all of the above, and are still not sure, contact the Money Support Unit:
Email: moneysupport@bangor.ac.uk
Tel: 01248 38 3566 / 38 3636