Booking Form for Faith-based Activities * Required field Your details * First name(s): * Surname: Course of study: Student ID number: * Mobile phone number: * Email: Website: Booking details: * Date of booking: * Time of booking – From: * To: * Please give details of what the room will be used for: If the event will include an external speaker(someone who is not a student or staff at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï) please give details: Do you require furniture to be cleared from the room? Yes No Is this booking being made on behalf of a Students’ Union faith based society? Yes No If ‘Yes’, please provide the name of the SU group. Your booking will also be copied to Jess Whitehead, Student Opportunities Co-ordinator. SU Group: If ‘No’, please discuss your use of the room with a member of staff in either the IEC, Student Services or the Chaplaincy Team. Staff member’s name: