Excellent education and many opportunities
There are more opportunities for you to study through the medium of Welsh in ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïthan at any other university in Wales, and the vast majority of our students who are Welsh speakers are taking advantage of those opportunities. 9 out of 10 Welsh-speaking students study some of their course through the medium of Welsh here.
A host of our Welsh-speaking lecturers have contributed significantly to their fields of expertise. Do not miss out, therefore, on the opportunity to receive a first-class education through the medium of Welsh in Bangor!
How much must be studied through the medium of Welsh?
You as students have the choice of how much of your course you want to study through the medium of Welsh. Have a look in the Llawlyfr Modiwlau Cymraeg at the choice of modules available for study in the Welsh in each subject.
In addition, as Welsh-speaking students, you have the right to present your assignments and complete your exams through the medium of Welsh for each module if you choose to do so. So go for it – and see below the host of support for you to study and present work through the medium of Welsh should you choose to do so.
Benefits of Welsh skill in the workplace
There are many employability benefits from studying through the medium of Welsh:
- There is a significant increase in demand for Welsh language skills in the workplace.
- Average salaries for bilingual posts are higher
- Welsh speakers are more likely to be in employment or to complete further studies after graduation than non-Welsh speaking individuals.
Taking advantage of the opportunities available to you to study and develop your Welsh-language skills while you are in ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïwill give you a firm foundation before venturing into the world of work.