Education for Sustainable Development
Commitment to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in learning, teaching and research
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï is committed to sustainability through the University’s Strategic Plan and Sustainability Strategy. Our Mission Statement also makes a commitment to sustainability with the remit for Sustainability being held by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
By emphasising sustainability, aiming for an international and ‘best in class’ reputation for its commitment to sustainable development, and by setting short and long term targets to integrate all aspects of sustainability into daily operations, it is contributing not only to its own sustainability but also to that of the region and the world in the context of its rich, natural environment and in terms of social cohesion, financial stability, and resource efficiency.
What this means for students is that the University provides excellent education and student experiences, and ensures that the development of the curriculum reflects this commitment to sustainable development and global citizenship. This approach also enhances teaching and research success by aiming to foster a culture that values and promotes sustainability alongside business and enterprise activities.
Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï’s Curriculum
During the 2019/20 academic year, Dr. Tara Smith and Dr. Hayley Roberts in the School of Law undertook a module review of 28 undergraduate and 26 postgraduate modules to map the legal curriculum against the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Subsequently, PhD students in the College of Arts, Humanities and Business - Nnaoma Uzoamaka Ukachukwu, Adanna Omaka and Virginie Rouillard Le Court de Billot - mapped modules across the College as part of ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï's participation in the British Academy and Students Organising for Sustainability SHAPE Impact project. The project’s aim was to support students to better understand sustainability and through the mapping exercise, participating students had the opportunity to explore, question and make recommendations in relation to curricula across the College relating to the 17 SDGs.
The Sustainability Implementation Group has agreed to build on these efforts by supporting the collaborative rolling out of this mapping exercise to all three Colleges so that the extent to which sustainability is taught across ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï can be recognised and enhanced going forward. Once complete all data will be made publicly available.
2020 - School of Law - SDG Mapping
2021 - College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering – SDG Mapping
September 2022 - College of Arts, Humanities and Business - SDG Mapping
Our Education for Sustainable Development Target for 2024/25 is:
- Undertake and publish the UNSDG curriculum mapping for the third College for the entirety of their modules
These targets are reviewed by the Sustainability Implementation Group each year, which is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
ESD support and training for staff
µþ²¹²Ô²µ´Ç°ù’s staff development team and the trade unions work to offer informal and structured support and training to help all staff integrate ESD into the curriculum and their work as part of µþ²¹²Ô²µ´Ç°ù’s ongoing commitment to its staff’s Continuing Professional Development programme to ensure continual improvement of its learning, teaching, research and other activities. This support and training includes discussions about ESD, opportunities to explore and develop collaborations, and support to develop ESD teaching, learning, research and work resources.
Get in touch with us to find out what’s on offer.
Sustainability Education in Action
The University offers a large number of courses with direct links to real-world sustainability issues. Students can have the opportunity to conduct projects and get involved with practical sessions which consider the sustainability of University operations and how future developments can be shaped by sustainability considerations.
As noted in our internal Bulletin, in December 2023:
- DXX4535 Research Planning and Communication: Work with real environmental data (Waste and Energy) from ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï buildings to develop research and analysis skills. Students complete a small project with conclusions and recommendations for the Campus Environmental Performance Team using a dataset of their choice. A scientific poster, practice note or briefing paper is produced.
- DXX4524 Strategic Environmental Management: Staff from Campus Environmental Performance Team lead sessions based on their own expertise and work both within University and with other businesses, on Global Environmental Issues, Future Proofing and eco-design, Environmental Performance Indicators. Real data on the energy consumption of ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï buildings is used to teach energy auditing and assessments skills.
- DXX4525 Green Technologies: Assess the success of renewable technologies on the ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï estate in a practical session.
- DXX4518 Business Planning for Green Economy: Students develop business plans to target sustainability issues. Recent students have created business plans for a wide range of projects including; renewable energy generation for ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï, recyclable coffee cups, environmental education, a vegan micro-brewery.
- Sustainability Master’s Projects: A huge variety of sustainability-related Master’s projects are conducted by ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï students every year supported by staff with active sustainability research projects and interests. Projects recently have included:
- An evaluation of the context of adoption of agroforestry techniques
- What discourses of nature and the environment inform and inspire rewilding activists?
- Combining farmer’s local knowledge with ecological surveys
- Impact of warming on the growing conditions of Aspen trees
- Meta-analysis of wind farm guidelines to manage the mortality risk to bats
- Quantifying the impact of climate change on forest biodiversity
In addition, ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïhas many more opportunities to learn about sustainability at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Courses include Agroforestry and Food Security, Renewable Materials, Sustainable Forest and Nature Management, Sustainable Tropical Forestry, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Environmental Conservation, Marine Environmental Studies and many more.
Between 2022 and 2025 staff and students can get involved in Living Lab projects as part of our 25 by 25 campaign. Funding has already been given for student projects such as a digital/smart campus study and reviewing the environmental impacts of the search engine we use. The aim of the projects are to collate data for the University, or use existing data to enable a 25% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 CO2e carbon by 2025. See more and get involved here.
Dedicated Outreach Educational Activities for the Wider Community
Alumni E-News - The Development and Alumni Relations Office send out monthly e-newsletters to alumni and friends, which contains the latest news from the University and our alumni, details on reunions and events and information on the exciting research and activities taking place within our Schools and Colleges.
Local Community - Improving quality of life and sharing knowledge through social and public engagement comes in several forms at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï.
- The University centre offering an exciting and unique blend of arts and culture, innovation, education, and community.
Sport Bangor - The University's sports centre provides sports and recreation facilities for staff, students, and the public.
- Wales's first Science Park and the home of innovation, with a focus on low carbon energy, ICT, and environmental sectors.
- A resource for teaching, research, public engagement, and enjoyment.
- Offering a variety of opportunities, including afterschool activities, sessions for autistic children, one-to-one mentoring at local primary schools and days out for children affected by family illness.
And more, see our Civic Mission pages for further details.
Equal Access and Scholarship Schemes
The University offers a number of scholarships for students classified as refugees, internally displaced or have otherwise been affected by conflict: and Refugee scholarship details can be found here. A number of scholarships with many cross-cutting sustainability themes are usually on offer through Kess, why not look to see what's available here.
We are also signed up to be part of the Cara network, the Council for At-Risk Academics, which provides help to academics in immediate danger, those forced into exile, and many who choose to work on in their home countries despite serious risks: