Prior to Brexit all study exchanges placements in Europe were offered through the Erasmus+ programme framework. The UK Government made the decision in December 2020 not to participate in the new Erasmus+ program 2021 - 2027 and consequently, UK Universities can no longer fully participate in the Erasmus programme.
As ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï negotiates new agreements with a number of our previous Erasmus Partner Universities, some study placements may not be available at all partner Universities for the full 2022/’23 academic year.
Applications for ERASMUS+ funding for study and work placements in Europe is available until 31st May 2023.
- Priority for Erasmus+ funding and placements will be given to compulsory Year Abroad (modern language) students.
- ÌýPriority for Erasmus+ funding and placements will be given to compulsory Year Abroad (modern language) students.
- Priority for Erasmus+ funding will also be given to students undertaking work placements/traineeships in Europe.
- Erasmus+ placements at partner Universities cannot be guaranteed for International Experience Year programme.
- The University will bid for Turing funding to help support students studying at exchange partner universities and at universities where Erasmus Agreements have expired. However, the funding call for Turing 2022/’23 has not yet opened.
Please note:
- Agreements with EU partner Universities are largely subject specific.
- Not all partner Universities offer modules in English
- Erasmus funding is not available beyond 31st May 2023
- Students are required to meet Turing or Erasmus+ Grant Regulations to be eligible for funding.
Please click here to read our Erasmus+ Policy Statement.
If you would like more information about the Erasmus+ Programme, please see the links below:
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