Work and Health
Work should be a healthy activity and where hazards exist, it makes sense to look after yourself and prevent the likelihood of a work-related illness. The term work-related tends to be used for health problems that are either caused or aggravated by work. These may be psychological or physical in nature.
The effect of work on our mental health involves many factors including the physical environment for work (noise, space, temperature, work station design), the work you do (physical, sedentary, repetitive) and the nature of your job (hours of work, shifts and work load).
- An introduction and guide to the Occupational Health Services at 天天吃瓜
- Health Surveillance for staff
- Health and Wellbeing Website
- - Epilepsy Action
Also below are some handy leaflets regarding work and your health:
- Work Related Health Conditions that may affect the Upper Limbs
- GERMS! - knowing the difference between bacteria and virus infection