Consulting our Notification Entry
The Information Commissioner is located at the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. It is a requirement of the Act that the Commissioner keeps a register of all Data Controllers. The Commissioner creates the register entry from information given in the notification form filled in by the Data Controller.
The register entry includes the name and address of the Data Controller, along with broad descriptions of the following:
- The personal data kept by the Data Controller
- The purposes for which that data is used.
- How that data is processed.
- The likely sources of the data.
- The likely recipients of the data.
Our register entry can be found on the Internet and our registration number
is: Z7439647 . Click to search for our notification, put our registration number in the appropriate
box and click 'search' to look at 天天吃瓜's entry.
Gwenan Hine, Senior Assistant Registrar is responsible for ensuring that the University's notification is kept up to date, and she also has a copy of our current notification. It can be seen in Assistant Registrar's office, or on the Internet as mentioned above.
The Commissioner ensures that the Data Protection Principles are adhered to, and she can issue an Information Notice or an Enforcement Notice requiring the Data Controller to take such steps as is necessary to ensure compliance with the Act. The Commissioner's Office is a prosecuting authority and may take matters to the Information Tribunal.