About This Course
module code: NHS-3144
This is aÌýpart-time, level 6Ìýshort courseÌýdelivered on our ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïand Wrexham campus, with some content accessed online (blended learning method)
This short course can be studied by itself or it can be studied as a module on the MSc Midwifery Studies.Ìý
Who is this course for?
This course has been designed specifically forÌýNMC registered nurses, midwives and Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPH).
Why study this course?
This module will enable qualified practitioners to gain the skills and expertise, to competently carry out the the Physical Examination of the Newborn currently offered to all Newborn babies in the UK, within 72 hours after birth and again at 6-8 weeks of age, as per the National Screening Programme.ÌýÌý
The module will examine the strategic changes within health care regarding the provision of routine examination of newborn babies.ÌýÌý
The module will enable practitioners to perform a comprehensive physical examination and behavioural assessment of newborn babies, working within a multidisciplinary team to make appropriate referrals to specific clinicians.ÌýÌý
How long does this course take to complete?
This short course consists of 6 full teaching days (either in-person or on-line) and one additional practical skills/ simulation day.ÌýÌý
The dates for the 2024/25 academic year are:Ìý
- 2 October 2024
- 9 OctoberÌý2024
- 16 OctoberÌý2024
- 24 OctoberÌý2024
- 6 NovemberÌý2024
- 13 NovemberÌý2024
- 4 December 2024Ìý(Skills Day)
Learners are also required to complete 10 examinations and clinical competencies under the direct supervision of a nominated supervisor from their local hospital trust, who is qualified in the Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) e.g. Practising Midwife, Neonatal Registrar, Advanced Neonatal Practitioner (ANNP).Ìý
The supervisor will guide and support the learner through the clinical aspects of the module.ÌýÌý
Assessments on this short course include:  Ìý
Essay (3000 words)ÌýÌý
10 systematic examinations of the new-born in clinical practice
Lauren IrvingÌý

Lauren has been a qualified Midwife since 2011 and worked clinically for 10 years, before coming to ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï. She specialised in community midwifery, continuity of care, homebirths, parent education, breastfeeding and Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE).ÌýÌý
Lauren is a member of the Midwifery lecturing team and is Year 2 lead, on the Midwifery Undergraduate programme. She is also the lead for Breastfeeding, and assisted ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï to achieve its Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) Gold accreditation in 2022 -Ìý the only University in Wales with Gold accreditation. Lauren teaches the NIPE module for both undergraduate and post graduate levels.ÌýÌýÌý
Course Content
What will you study on this course?
We will cover the following topics areas as part of the course:Ìý
- Normal fetal development/anatomy and physiology of the 7 systemsÌý
- Transitional events in the neonatal period Normal morphology of the neonateÌý
- Normal development of the infantÌý
- Clinical examination: recognition of the abnormalÌý
- Identification and management of congenital abnormalitiesÌý
- CommunicationÌý
- Referral systems and local guidelinesÌý
- Holistic approach to the care of the neonate and FamilyÌý
- Professional, ethical and legal issuesÌý
What will attendees get out of the course?
By the end of the module learners will be able to:Ìý
- demonstrate the ability to identify normality in the term neonate with reference to the physiological adaptation to extra-uterine life.Ìý
- recognise deviations from the norm and be able to refer when necessary / discuss the referral process.Ìý
- demonstrate effective working across professional boundaries.Ìý
Course Cost
- Enquiries regarding Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) funding should be directed toÌýbcu.nurseeducation@wales.nhs.uk.
- Funding opportunities may be available for those working locally (i.e. in the north Wales and Powys areas), please contact the relevant module co-ordinator for details.
- All other application and funding related enquiries should be directed to the module co-ordinator .
Entry Requirements
Applicants must fulfil the following criteria to be considered eligible for this course: Ìý
- NMC registered nurse, midwife or Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPH)
How to Apply
Please make sure you read and follow the step-by-step application guide as this will specify which sections of the application form are compulsory for the type of course you want to apply for and save you time.
Please prepare the following information (in a Word document):
- Current employment details;
- Years of experience, and employment history (where relevant)
- Name of staff member and organisation that have approved your funding for this module.
This will speed up the process of completing the application form
To apply for this course, you need to create an account in ourÌý
You will need access to the email address you specify while creating your account to confirm it.
Step 2 - Application Tabs (Personal, Info, Contact)
After creating an account, you will see a homepage with several tabs:
- Personal
- Programme
- Info
- Contact
- Education
- Employment
- LanguageÌý
- Finance
You need to complete all sections before submitting your application.
When a section is complete, a ‘tick’ symbol will appear below it.
- Click on ‘Non-graduating applications / Stand alone Modules’, then select ‘Non-graduating Undergraduate’.
- ÌýIn the next section, select Non-Graduating Taught Modules in Health(NGU/HS) Click Save and Continue.
- ÌýOn the next page, the default for the first question is Full Time. You need to change this to ‘Part time’:
- You now need to input the module code.ÌýExamination of the Newborn: the code isÌýNHS:Ìý3144. This section must be completed for your application to be processed.
- You also need to state the start date. Please make your selection, then click ‘Save and Continue’.
- IMPORTANT: You do not need to write a personal statement to apply for this course. Instead, please upload the document including employment, experience and education information that you have created prior to starting the application that contains the name of your current employer, the number of years of experience you have, and your highest qualification to date. Click Save and continue.
You only need to enter the details of your highest qualification to date, e.g. if you have a postgraduate qualification, please only only include this.
You will be asked for evidence of the qualification. Please either upload a copy of your qualification if it's easily accessible, or upload the Word document again (that you prepared earlier).
Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘I have no employment history’ (as you have already provided this in your Word document).
If you areÌýHEIWÌý/ÌýHealth Board funded, please answer the questions as follows:
- How will you finance your studies?ÌýSponsored
- Exact name of funding authority: Health Board
- Country: United Kingdom
- Give details of the amount of the award?ÌýFully funded.
- Sponsorship will cover: Tuition Fees
- Have you been awarded this funding?ÌýPlease select ‘yes’ * Note that you will be required to upload evidence of the funding. If you wish to confirm ‘yes’ to this question, but do notÌýhave any written confirmation to upload, you can upload your Word document here again.
If you areÌýself-funding,Ìýplease provide all details as appropriate.