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About Pontio Innovation

Putting ideas to the test

Our striking purpose-built space is home to cutting-edge technology. That means we are able to facilitate the prototyping of commercial products and services and can bring viable ideas to market quickly.

Pontio Innovation’s unique facilities, knowledgeable staff and support services are helping to close the innovation gap between Welsh enterprises – from micro-business right up to larger organisations.

Where the arts meet science

Our name reflects that we firmly believe the best innovations are explored and developed across multiple disciplines. Pontio Innovation is a place where close collaboration between the arts and science is very much encouraged.

Helping to build a sustainable economy

Pontio Innovation is committed to developing high-value products and services which will help Wales and the rest of the UK meet the challenge of increasing global competition.

We believe that high skill levels in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are important contributors to prosperity and we hope that Pontio Innovation will inspire more of our region’s young people to engage in STEM subjects.

Our commitment to our community

Pontio Innovation is committed to delivering outstanding development support for all kinds of businesses. We have an open-door policy and encourage participation and collaboration from across the whole of our community.

Our advanced innovation facilities have been supported with EU Convergence funding: our shared aim is to support the development of strong, sustainable businesses in this region.

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