Mr Huw Clwyd Phillips

- MSc: Education Management
Manchester Metropolitan University, - MA: Geography in Education
University College London, - BEd
University of Liverpool, - NPQH - Welsh Government and CELT
Welsh Government, - Prior to joining the the School of Education and Human Development in December 2013 Huw was Assistant headteacher at Ysgol Rhiwabon, with responsibility for staff and student development and wellbeing.
Teaching and Supervision
Huw is the Course Director for two Masters' programmes in the School of Education and Human Development - MA Education Studies for part-time students and MA Education Studies at MDIS (full-time and part-time students).
He is the Module Convenor for two modules taught on both these programmes - XME 4083 Educational Leadership and Management, XME 4093 Curriculum Development.
During the acdemic year 2018-19 Huw has been a dissertation supervisor for five MA students, project tutor for ten primary trainee teachers and personal tutor for eleven MA and BA students. He holds the position of Chairperson for the DBS meetings in the School of Education and Human Development.
Research Interests
Huw is currently undertaking research for his PhD; the focus is on the role of teachers as researchers in their own clasrooms. The research involves making a study of the Masters in Educational Practice (MEP) to investigate how teachers have reflected, and developed their pedagogical practice after completing their courses.
Huw was a member of a group proposal at the BERA Conference in Northumbria University, Newcastle on 12/09/18. The symposium title was 'The complexities of enabling research-active teachers, creating conditions for professional enquiry'. Here Huw presented his initial findings and significant perpectives on the research undertaken so far.
Huw has undetaken research for the following theses:
'Tourism and its effects in East Meirionnydd' - University of Liverpool.
'The Gifted child in the educational system' - University of Liverpool.
'Management initiatives for raising levels of achievement in boys' - Manchester Metropolitan University.
'Use of GCSE performance data to support departmental evaluation' - University College London.
'Development of the Welsh languagre at Ysgol Rhiwabon' - NPQH School Improvement Project, Welsh Government and CELT.