Mr Marco Forletta

- MA: Economic Theory and Econometrics
Toulouse School of Economics, 2017 - MSc: Economic and Social Sciences
Bocconi University, 2015 - BSc: Economics and Finance
Bocconi University, 2012
Research Interests
Starting from the point that there is still little evidence on which are the channels that better foster entrepreneurship and help improve aggregate productivity growth, my research would answer to questions like: how are highly productive businesses financed? Is this mechanism efficient or there are ways to further improve firm creation/performance? What is the role of public policy (e.g. state guarantees for loans)? Is it better to improve the functioning of capital markets, or should banks have better incentives to extend credit to good firms? These questions have been only partially answered in the literature and there might also be no consensus on the answers themselves. The research I intend to deliver attempts to address the last two policy relevant issues.