Coronavirus (COVID-19)
All of our Libraries are closed – But we’re still Open Online
Whilst our buildings may be closed, we as a service are most definitely still open and available to staff and students online. We continue to provide services and resources to support you in your studies, teaching and research.
Important: You do not need to return your books to the library - see information on Loans and Recalled Books below.
Click and Collect:This service is now available for items housed in all our branch libraries but items must be collected from the Main Library (items requested from the Wrexham Maelor Library must be collected from the Wrexham Library)
Returns: Main Library have a book return bin next to the entrance doors! This is accessible between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Online Resources
Our Library website offers access to our extensive range of electronic resources. As print material is currently unavailable we will accelerate our efforts to purchase additional e-books and other online resources to support you.
- E-books, e-journals and databases can be accessed via our .
- Links to electronic resources for your modules are available through your module on .
- will now default to search for electronic materials only. You can still extend your search to printed material if you wish.
- – This reading list has been created giving you links to material that is being made openly available temporarily by publishers.
- If you need help finding information, please contact the Academic Support team.
Online Support
- Our Academic support team can provide one-to-one subject specific support via Skype for Business or Microsoft Teams. Contact them at
- “Ask the library”– our live chat service – is also available for general enquires. Look out for the chat box on library webpages.
- You can also email us at
Archives and Special Collections
- Staff are on hand to answer any queries that are received via email.
- Sign up to our mailing list to receive weekly updates about our collections and service.
- Contact us at
Loans and Recalled Books
- All items currently on loan, including Interlibrary Loans, will automatically be renewed until further notice. No fines will be charged.
- You do not need to return any books, however, if you are leaving Թand are not returning next year, you may leave library books in book return bins situated in the Halls Offices at Ffriddoedd and St. Mary’s.
- Wrexham students can leave books in the regular book bin outside of the library.
- The SCONUL Access Scheme is temporarily suspended.
- The Inter-Library Loan service continues but can only supply items available that can be delivered electronically.
Updates will be via the Library and Archives web site and through our , and feeds.
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