Թ19th in the UK for sustainability in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
For the third year running Թ is one of the top 100 universities in the world for its sustainability practises.
The University has been placed joint 77th globally and 19th in the UK according to the annual Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
This is the only global performance table that assesses universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using detailed evidence to asses institutions across four areas: research, stewardship, outreach and teaching.
This year 1,963 universities were entered into the ranking, up by nearly 400 from last year, with Թ maintaining its top 100 global position and its overall score of over 90% in the feedback.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Oliver Turnbull, who leads on sustainability, said, “Even with more universities than ever before going into the ranking we’ve still held our position as a leading university for sustainability in the UK, and the world.
“The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings is rightly one of the very best league tables for sustainability as it takes into consideration everything we do as a university from our research and teaching to how we recycle, and our policies on gender equality.
“This year we were measured against 10 of the 17 SDG categories, three more than last year thanks to new ways of working and the efforts of Emma Riches and the University’s College leads on sustainability.”
“We’re making terrific progress in so many areas of sustainability across the University, and we’ve plans on how we can do even better in the next 12 months to maintain our world-leading ranking.”
Some highlights for Թ’s scoring in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, included being ranked 36th in the world for the SDG categorised as ‘reducing inequalities’; 14th for ‘responsible consumption and production’; 30th for ‘partnerships for the goals, and 92nd for ‘life below water.
To find out more about Թ’s sustainability actions please visit www.bangor.ac.uk/sustainablebangor