
My country:
group of children taking part in a demonstration of wind power

ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï to open its doors to the local community this autumn

ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï will hold its first Community Day this autumn, on Saturday 14 October between 11am and 3pm.

The emphasis will be on an informal, inclusive and friendly atmosphere, with the event designed to showcase all the ways in which the University is making a contribution to the local area and wider world, not just through its teaching and research, but also facilities open to the public such as the Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre and Canolfan Brailsford sports facility.
Dr Lowri Hughes,  Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Civic Mission


The Community Day will provide a great way for the community to learn more about the life of the University and showcase our history, research, student experience and numerous outreach activities.
“The day will be informative but also fun and engaging, and we hope to see friends of all ages joining us for what should be an enjoyable day. Many members of the local community came to the University for their vaccinations during the Covid pandemic a couple of years ago, and it will be great to welcome everyone back through our doors under happier circumstances.
Professor Andrew Edwards,  Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for civic engagement

This will be a free event and tickets are not required.

Visit /events/communityday and keep an eye on socials for more information over the coming weeks.