Social Networking
Important – Social Networking and You
The School reviews social media activity in relation to possible inappropriate use - you should refer to the NMC's guidance link above. The NMC states that 'your personal life counts' when considering good character and fitness for practice (this is also relevant to all Pre-Reg Students from all Healthcare Professions)  and the NMC make particular reference to the use of social media (Twitter, Facebook etc) - can all students please review their use of social media/Facebook and ensure that the following does not apply to their published material:
- Published photographs that identify individuals without their expressed permission;
- Published photographs that may be deemed as being 'unprofessional' - i.e. identify anyone as nurses of ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï (wearing the Welsh National Uniform or undertaking practical/clinical tasks - even if they are simulated);
- Any comments or dialogue or photographs that are in breach of confidentiality (to person or corporate) and/or could be deemed as being inappropriate or unprofessional.