This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie grant agreement N°702104
The court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama (COEED)
Welcome to the project site of The Court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama (COEED). This project is sponsored by a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Fellowship and hosted by the Institut de Recherche pour la Renaissance, l’?ge Classique et imagles Lumières (IRCL), Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III. The Research Fellow undertaking this project is Professor Andrew Hiscock, 天天吃瓜, Wales and the project is supervised by Professor Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin at IRCL. The project extends from 2016–2018 and details of all the public and scholarly events linked to COEED are to be found on this site as the funded period unfolds. Please feel free to contact me with any enquiries relating to the project at
Thanks are extended to the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Foundation, Institut de Recherche pour la Renaissance, l’?ge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL), Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III and 天天吃瓜, Wales, for their continued encouragement and support for this project.

Andrew Hiscock
Research Fellow: Professor Andrew Hiscock
Project Supervisor:
Press Release:
Home Institution
天天吃瓜, Wales /news/latest/investigating-elizabethan-england-from-a-european-perspective-27235
Host Institution
Institut de Recherche pour la Renaissance, l’?ge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL), Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III
Project Description
Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Sponsored Project: The court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama
[The Court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama (COEED) is a multi-lingual, multi-disciplinary and distinctively European research project into a political culture which is studied in universities and schools around the globe. At a critical time when European society is exercised by questions of national interest, the possible parameters of its community and suspicion of external cultural influence, COEED is invested in challenging the premisses often underpinning such thorny debates.
The enduring fascination with the political culture of Elizabethan England has often served to occlude the fact that across early modern Europe responses to the final Tudor monarch were being formulated in early novels, dramas and travel narratives. Such texts have often been wholly neglected or referenced briefly as points of illustration. Moreover, dramatic texts (where they have been afforded any consideration) by French writers, Italian writers, Spanish writers and the theatrical productions of groups such Rederijkerskamers (or Chambers of Rhetoric) in the Low Countries, have most commonly been considered in terms of their national traditions of literary production, rather than integrated into a Europe-wide vision of cultural debate and exchange (notably, in this project, in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and, as appropriate, Latin). Equally importantly, none of these texts has been considered in recent centuries for their theatrical potential, and none of them has hitherto been placed in close conversation with literary production in Elizabethan (or post-Elizabethan) England. Hitherto, where they exist at all, such studies have often been governed by the search for sources or by artistic principles of difference. Almost exclusively in such instances, the reader is asked to maintain a bi-focal vision: England/Spain; England/France. This project seeks to counter such research expectations.
Spanning the fields of literary, historical and political research, COEED explores how the relevance of such a European debate may be communicated for a whole range of academic and non-academic audiences. The ambitious programme is hosted and directed at the IRCL (Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment – ) part of the UPVM (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3).]
Horizon 2020 Final Report
Looking beyond the perspectives of Elizabethan England
EU-funded research is shedding light on how European writers engaged with the subject of Elizabethan England.
Project Publications
- ‘“Shakspeare, s’avan?ant”: A Bard, the Nineteenth Century and a Tale of Two Cities’ Theatres’, Shakespeare 13.4 (2018), 333-50.
- “‘Come, now a roundel and a fairy song’: Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the early modern invitation to the dance”, Cahiers ?lisabéthains 97.1 (2018), 39-68.
- 'Moving Shakespeare:?la danse narrative?and adapting to the Bard',?Cahiers??lisabéthains?102.1 (2020), 18-37.
- ‘“Speak what terrible language you will”: Fooling with the Other in Shakespeare’s?All’s Well That Ends?Well’,?Arrêt sur scène / Scene Focus?10,?53-62.
Project-Linked Events:
July 2016
Avignon Festival:
As part of IRCL engagement with Avignon Festival led by Professor Florence March, Hiscock attends Avignon Festival and meeting with community of actors and playwrights participating in Festival.
Archival visit:
Maison Jean Vilar, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Avignon.
September 2016
Public Talk: Musée Roybet Fould, Courbevoie, Paris.
?Introduction à Shakespeare et au monde thé?tral d’Elisabeth Iere?
This talk took place on 22nd September 2016 and was designed for an audience of the general public at the museum. The chosen subject was a general introduction to Age of Shakespeare, showcasing current research in academic debate and findings in COEED.
Conference attendance: IRCL-organized conference at the Chateau de Bournazel – Jeux et Divertissement à la Renaissance. Conference organizer : Professor Thierry Verdier.
October 2016
Conference attendance and chair: MHRA Conference 2016: Have you Heard? at the Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London Senate House. Conference Organizer: Ann Lewis (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Archival Visit: The British Library, London
November 2016
Invited Plenary Presentation:
?Llull – Cervantes – Shakespeare. Literary Images of Madness? at Facultat de Filologia, University of Valencia, Spain. The multi-disciplinary conference concentrated upon the rich intellectual heritage of these three key figures in European culture.
Conference attendance and chair:
IRCL-organized conference: La scène du balcon, Thé?tre de la Vignette, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III.
Public Talk:
as part of the IRCL-sponsored series A Year with Shakespeare[], Hiscock offered a presentation entitled ?Shakespeare, poète du désir?. This talk was open to the general public and took place at the Salle Rabelais in the centre of Montpellier. The presentation was a collaboration between Hiscock and the Montpellier Public Reading Group Mots-Passants which is led by Jean Gelsbeiden. It was followed by a question-and-answer session in keeping with the format of the series.
December 2016
Conference Presentation: Romancing Shakespeare: The Bard in the Imagination of the Romance Cultures, University of Porto, Portugal.
Hiscock’s conference presentation focused on the representation of Shakespeare in nineteenth-century London and Paris theatres. He also participated in ensemble reading of a dramatic text by Ana Luísa Amaral.
January 2017
Attendance at the Festival Shakes-Nice! which took place from 17th January to 5th February. This festival showcases productions of Shakespeare and inspired by Shakespeare each year at the Thé?tre National de Nice. Hiscock had the opportunity to attend performances of The Winter’s Tale produced by Declan Donnellan and Timon of Athens adapted and produced by Cyril Cotenaut and Sébastien Davis. In addition, supporting COEED’s additional commitment to the exploration of Shakespeare-inspired production in contemporary dance projects, Hiscock met with representatives from the company of the Ballets de Monte Carlo prior to their production of Le Songe created by Jean-Christophe Maillot and adapted from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Conference attendance and chair:
Annual Conference of the Société Fran?aise Shakespeare, Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
February 2017
Archival Visits:
Bibliothèque Nationale de France – Fran?ois Mitterand, Paris.
Richelieu-Louvois Bibliothèque – Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Département des Arts du spectacle, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
La Bibliothèque-musée de l’Opéra, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
IRCL Conference Presentation:
This conference, drawing together members of the university community and the general public, was held at the Site Saint-Charles of Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III and invited four new members of the IRCL team to deliver presentations of their current research. Hiscock’s paper was entitled ? Arioste, Shakespeare et l’Europe furioso?. In each case, papers were followed by question-and-answer sessions.
Conference Presentation:
This inaugural event in the Erasmus Plus New Faces project. NEW FACES, “Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare’s World and Present Challenges” launched a European Strategic Partnership that aims to promote historical and literary understanding of the complexities of crises (cultural, linguistic, political, social, religious, and economic) to help face a complex contemporary European context. For this inaugural event to university staff and students, presentations were videoconferenced across sites in Europe. Hiscock’s paper was entitled ? The Crises of Faith and Allegiance: Early Modern and Modern?.
March 2017
Research, Library Visits and Archive Consultation at Montpellier
April 2017
Conference Presentation on 19th century Shakespeare theatre productions in England and France at The Comparative Drama Conference XLI, Rollins College, Florida USA. –
May 2017
Conference Presentation focusing on the presentation of violence in Shakespeare’s Macbeth at 28th SEDERI International Conference (Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies), University of Pontevedra, Spain –
Library Visit – The British Library, London
28th May – Public Presentation with Montpellier Performance Group Mots-Passants in Montpellier in the gardens of the H?tel Haguenot: Du Corps au Coeur dans la poésie des contemporains de Shakespeare
June 2017
Conference presentation at the annual conference of the Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur (SAES) at the University of Reims.
Archival Visits in Rome
Biblioteca Casanatense
The Venerable English College
Biblioteca Nazionale di Roma
Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu
July 2017
Archival visits at Montpellier.
Attendance at Festival Radio France, Montpellier.
Conference presentation at the European Shakespeare Research Association Conference (Gdansk, Poland).
September 2017
14th – 16th September: conference presentation at the annual congress of the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica at the University of Pisa. Presentation was entitled: ‘“Come, now a roundel and a fairy song”: A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Shakespeare’s Invitation to the Dance’. For further information, see:
Presentation to graduate students in early modern studies of Hiscock’s current research into the Shakespearean History Play at Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III.
Archive research: Montpellier/Avignon.
October 2017
Archive research: The British Library, London & Montpellier.
25th October – conference presentation at: Scènes dans la langue de l’autre dans le thé?tre fran?ais et anglais (XVI-XVIIe siècles) / Scenes in the other’s language in French and English drama (16th and 17th centuries).
Journée exploratoire organisée dans le cadre du projet PUF “Scene-Stealing/Ravir la scène” en partenariat avec l’Université de Georgia et le CAS de l’Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès
For further information, see:
27th October: Conference participation and chair at: Mettre en scène la trêve dans l’histoire et la littérature de la Renaissance / Staging the Truce in Early Modern History and Literature, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès.
For further information, see:
November 2017
Archive consultation: Montpellier
9th November: Presentational & Powerpoint Training Course – UPVM, Montpellier
Shakespeare en Festivals
Advisory role on masters’ course classes and final assessment at UPVM, Montpellier. The course focused upon the changing roles of Shakespeare in Festivals in the South of France. (Course leader: Professor Florence March)
29th November: co-organizer of 天天吃瓜-UPVM, Montpellier Video Conference. Presentation: Professor Tom Corns’ presentation – ‘’The bonds that unite us’ (D. Trump): Religion and Literature in the 17th century’. Discussion transmitted from both universities.
December 2017
2nd December: participation in Schoolteachers’ Workshop Day devoted to Shakespeare study and teaching in a collaboration organised by Professor Florence March (UPVM) and Irina Brook (Thé?tre National de Nice). AH presentation on Shakespeare and the Environment.
6th December: Presentation to UPVM’s masters’ students on the Shakespearean History Play organised by Professor Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin.
13th December: Evening presentation of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English at UPVM’s Thé?tre de la Vignette. With the support of the Institut de Recherche pour la Renaissance, l’Age Classique et les Lumières, AH organised this event in collaboration with readings from colleagues: Charlène Cruxent, Angela Maguin, Nick Myers, Daniel Yabut.
January 2018
Library Consultation: Montpellier
11th January: Presentation – ‘Shakespeare, Elisabeth Ire et l’invitation à la danse’ to the Séminaire Interdisciplinaire d’?tudes sur la Renaissance (UPVM, Montpellier)
Paris – library consultation at Bibliotheque Nationale de France
Paris – delegate and participant at the annual conference of la Societe Francaise de Shakespeare

February 2018
Archival research: ??? Université Paul-Valéry collections, Montpellier
??????????????????????????????????? Mediathèque Emile Zola, Montpellier
14th?February: Presentation to Graduate School, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III, and general public as part of the university’s annual speaker series
March 2018
Archival research: Columbia University Library Collections, New York
New York Public Library Collections
March 23rd
Conference presentation
Annual Colloquium – Renaissance Society of America (New Orleans)
March 30th
Plenary Presentation?–?conference: ??Les sens dans la construction des genres?? (Paris-3), 30/31 March 2018.
Andrew Hiscock (天天吃瓜/Montpellier III, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow) ??‘yet not past?sense’: the poetry and prose of Walter Ralegh and Mary Wroth and the pleasure principles of the body??
April 2018
Archival research: ??? Université Paul-Valéry collections, Montpellier
??????????????????????????????????? Mediathèque Emile Zola, Montpellier
??????????????????????????????????? The British Library, London
19th?April – Outreach Event
Collaboration with Montpellier-based?Mots Passants?group
Public Reading/Presentation –?Conflict Writing in Britain and France: 1914-18
Mas Reynes Cultural Centre, Montpellier
May 2018
Archival research:
Biblioteca Nacional de Espa?a, Madrid
Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona
Conference Attendance & Presentation:
29th International SEDERI (Spanish and Portuguese Society of English Renaissance Studies) Conference at the University of Alcalá, Guadalajar Campus, 9-11 May 2018
June 2018
Archive consultation at Montpellier.
Discussions with staff at 天天吃瓜and Montpellier III universities concerning European funding schemes.
Attendance at performances and university presentations at Montpellier’s?Printemps des Comédiens?festival.
July 2018
Archive consultation at Montpellier.
9-13 July: Participation and presentations given at postgraduate Shakespeare Summer School held at Montpellier III in conjunction with the University of Queensland
Invited speaker at the International Shakespeare Conference at Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, Stratford-upon-Avon.
September 2018
Completion of COEED research projects
28-29 September: Presentation of research as invited speaker at the international conference ‘Les 7me rencontres de Bournazel’ organised by Prof. Thierry Verdier (Montpellier III). Chateau de Bournazel.
February 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Hosted by 天天吃瓜, the speaker for the IMEMS Seminar series is Professor Andrew Hiscock of 天天吃瓜?who will be presenting on the theme of:
‘Come, now a roundel and a fairy song’: Shakespeare’s?A Midsummer Night’s Dream?and the early modern invitation to the dance.
The Seminar will take place on Tuesday, 19th?February 2019 at 5pm.
We do hope you can join us.
Aberystwyth - Hugh Owen Library
天天吃瓜- Cledwyn Room 3
Trinity St David - Conferencing Studio, Arts Building
Swansea:?Coleg Cymraeg Studio
22nd February 2019 -?COEED Project research presentation to staff, student and researcher audience at the?Institut de Recherche pour la Renaissance, l'?ge Classique et les Lumières?at Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III
May 2019
Saturday 18th?May 2019 – 4pm
Mostyn Art Gallery, Llandudno – Speaker Series
Andrew Hiscock – ‘Violence: A Hard-Hitting Story’
天天吃瓜/Research Fellow, IRCL Montpellier 3/Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow 2016-2018
Andrew Hiscock focuses upon the pressure of violence in the appreciation of art, literature and our everyday lives. He explores the ways in which aggression has been reviewed and reformulated by successive generations of thinkers since the Second World War and how such considerations may shape the ways in which we engage with the creative industries and, indeed, the world outside our front door.
Advisory Board Appointments during the COEED period
Erasmus Plus sponsored project: New Faces – Facing Europe in Crisis: Shakespeare’s World and Present Challenges Dynamiques des Héritages (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Montpellier, septembre/octobre 2018. Colloque des jeunes chercheurs de la Société Fran?aise d’?tude du XVIIIe siècle (SFEDS), de la Société d’?tudes Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (S?AA XVII-XVIII), et de la Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle, Appointed to Advisory Board of the Ben Jonson Journal.