Although we are confident that you will settle in well at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïand hopefully soon come to regard it as home, we are aware that the first few days and weeks after you have arrived can sometimes be stressful and challenging.
The International Student Support Team is here to help you to settle in to life at ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ïand we can provide advice on a range of issues. Have a look at our 'Welfare & Advice' page for more information. Your School will also have staff on hand to help with both academic and personal support/advice. These would include your Personal Tutor, Supervisor and School Administrator. In addition, there are several central University services which provide support & advice, including:
Student Services & Administration & Administration:
Study Skills Centre:
Students' Union:
Hall Wardens:
Careers Centre:
One of the most rewarding things about choosing to study in another country is the wealth of different cultures which you will be exposed to; not just the UK culture as a whole but also the various cultural backgrounds of the other students on your course. You have the opportunity to make friends and contacts with people from all over the world. Our annual social programme will give you an opportunity to meet students from all over the world and also experience a little of the unique Welsh culture.
Methods of teaching and educational systems can change from country to country. For example, you may find that UK universities place more emphasis on independent study and critical thinking, whereas in other countries study may be more closely directed by teachers.
Other things such as terms of address and activities like making a simple purchase in a shop may be very different to what you are used to. When you first arrive in the UK, you will notice differences between the way things are done and what you are used to at home. These include the way people dress, speak and behave, teaching and learning styles, food etc. Do not think of it a problem; rather it is all part of the positive experience of studying in the UK. You will soon learn the new "rules" to get by, but it may be reassuring to know that it's perfectly normal to find it hard at first. The following article may be of help to you when settling in:
If you're worried about anything, or find it hard to settle… please come to visit us!