On arrival in Bangor, you may be asked to sign a contract for certain services. These could include for a new Mobile phone; Accommodation and IT Equipment for example.
It is very important that you read such contracts as they will be binding, and you will not be able to get out of the agreement for the period of time you have agreed at the beginning.
This is especially true with accommodation contracts. So, before you sign an agreement for a rented property off campus, or at one of the University Halls, you should be sure that you intend to stay at the property for the full length of the contract you have signed.
University Certificate of Registration
This Certificate is your proof that you are a student and can be used when signing any agreements. It can also be used when opening bank accounts; registering with a doctor or for proof that you don't have to pay Council Tax at a rented property off -campus.
So, it is a good idea to get this Certificate as soon as you have registered at the University. You can do this from your My天天吃瓜webpage - Online Services - Request Centre.