Race Equality Policy
The following extracts are taken from the Race Equality Policy of ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï.ÌýThis summary aims to give you an overview of the University’s commitment to the General and Specific duties as laid out by Race Relations legislation. A full download is available via the link at the bottom of the page.
In his Forward in the Race Equality Policy Professor R Merfyn Jones, Vice Chancellor says:-
"ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï supports, and is wholly committed to, the principle of equality and equality of opportunity for all members, potential members and its visitors.
As one of the main employers in the area, the University is pleased to take this opportunity to build on its commitment to equality and diversity, and to provide a clear and unequivocal message that it will not tolerate unlawful discrimination.ÌýThe University is committed to challenging racial discrimination and racial inequalities and to fostering an environment free of racial discrimination or harassment."
The main legislations affecting the University and the Race Equality Policy relating to Race Relations are: The Race Relations Act 1976; The Race Relations Amendment Act (2000); Amendments to the Race Relations Act stemming from the EU Race Directive 2003.
THE DUTIES OF THE UNIVERSITY (as a result of legislation)
General Duties:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination
Promote equality of opportunity
Promote good relations between people of different racial groups
Specific Duties
To prepare a written statement of its Race Equality Policy, and have a commitment to fulfilling its policy
Assess its policy on students and staff of different racial groups
Monitor admissions and progress of staff, recruitment, retention and career progression of staff by those racial groups.
Make available the results of assessments and monitoring of data.
The Race Equality Policy is approved and supported by the University’s Governing Body (the Council) and all its senior managers who are ultimately responsible for ensuring its implementation.
THE COUNCIL – retains the ultimate legal responsibility for compliance with legislation, and delegates the management and implementation to senior staff.
VICE CHANCELLOR - As the Chief Executive Officer of the University overall responsibility for the administration and implementation of the Policy as directed by Council rests with the Vice Chancellor
RACE EQUALITY GROUP – On behalf of the Vice Chancellor this group is responsible for administering and monitoring the policy.
HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS – Take responsibility for implementation and compliance with the Policy.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS – take specific responsibilities for implementation and complying with the policy
They are, The Secretary and Registrar, Academic Registrar, Director of Human ResourcesÌýand Equal Opportunities Officer.
Implementing the Race Equality Policy, as part of its wider commitment to diversity and equal opportunities in employment and service provision, will help ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï to:
Establish a positive, inclusive atmosphere, and respect for people’s differences.
Show a commitment to challenging racism and discrimination.
Take action to tackle any differences between racial groupsÌý(employees and students), in achievement and progress and to deal with complaints that may arise.
Insist that students treat different cultures, religions and faiths with respect so preparing them positively to contribute fully to today’s multi-ethnic society.
Improve staff morale and performance by creating an inclusive environment in which it is clear that staff and students of all ethnic groups are encouraged to develop to their full potential.
Make use of the skills and knowledge of people from different ethnic groups at all levels of the institution and governing body.
To set an example to the wider community and external organisations of the importance of equality of opportunity and ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï’ commitment to eliminate racial discrimination and religious intolerance
If you have been affected by Racial intolerance, advice and support are available from, the Equal Opportunities Officer, Harassment Advisors network, Human Resources Officers, Student Welfare Advisory, and Trade Union or Students Union representatives.ÌýÌý
Incidents will be investigated and where appropriate will be dealt with under the respective disciplinary codes for staff and students.
In his Forward to the Race Equality Policy the Vice Chancellor continues :-
"The Race Equality Policy is a working document which will be reviewed, amended and monitored as work in this area develops. It will be made available to all members of the University community and it is an integral part of the University's Equal Opportunities Policy"