Course Lead - Dr. Loreli Jones

I am a medical anthropologist and Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Organisation and Governance in the School of Health Sciences at 天天吃瓜. My research is on healthcare organisation, knowledge, professions, and care practices. My areas of expertise include the quality and safety of hospital care; medical leadership, innovation, and organisational change; systems leadership, collaboration, and integrated care; and policy implementation.
My research is multidisciplinary and translational (theory into practice). I work with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to develop healthcare professionals and services in North Wales and contribute to international learning.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Welsh Crucible Fellow, a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the International Journal of Health Governance, an executive member of the Society for Studies in Organising Healthcare, and a member of the Scientific Committee for the international conference on Organisational Behaviour in Health Care.