Fideos y Coleg Gwyddorau'r Amgylchedd a Pheirianneg
Graddio 2014 – Rhodri Morgan, MBA Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol
Mae Rhodri Morgan yn gyfreithiwr wnaeth ddychwelyd i addysg er mwyn astudio MBA mewn Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol.
MBA Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor
Mae Rhodri Morgan wedi dychwelyd i addysg er mwyn astudio MBA mewn Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor. Mae Rhodri, sydd yn gyfreithiwr, yn egluro pam ei fod wedi penderfynu astudio’r cwrs yma.
Meet the Lemurs Madagascar Fundraising Evening
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï students and staff were recently involved in a very special fundraising event at the Welsh Mountain Zoo in Colwyn Bay. Lecturer Dr Julia Jones and PhD student Voahirana Randriamamonjy describe the evening.
Environment, Natural Resources and Geography Freshers’ week beach trip
Students and staff enjoy getting to know each other at the seaside.
SENRGY MSc students’ first week – a trip to the Sea Zoo
A field trip to the Anglesey Sea Zoo.
Studying animal behaviour amongst the Chimpanzees at the Welsh Mountain Zoo
Students from the School of Biological Sciences take a trip to Colwyn Bay Zoo to study the chimpanzees.
Studying habitat adaptation in snakes and lizards in the School of Biology
Students from the School of Biology study lizards and snakes as part of a practical to learn how they adapt to different habitats.
Studying breathing and respiration in the School of Biological Sciences
Undergraduate students’ practical measuring breathing and heart rate.
Environment, Natural Resources and Geography Tenerife field trip
Students from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering getting to the volcanic limit of Mount Teide, Tenerife.
A fishing trip aboard the Research Vessel ‘Prince Madog’
Students take a Fisheries Practical on the University’s Research ship the Prince Madog.
Studying bedforms and waterlevels in a waveform practical in the School of Ocean Sciences
Students from the School of Ocean Sciences study bedforms and waterlevels during a Waveform Practical.
Tenerife field trip – Pine Forest Ecosystem
Students from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering on a field trip to a Pine Forest in Tenerife.
Tenerife field trip – Laurel Forest: Discovering ancient forests
Students from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering on a field trip to a Laurel Forest on Tenerife.
Tenerife field trip – Exploring ecology on the hidden island of La Gomera
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering students on a field trip on the hidden island of La Gomera, Canary Islands.
Tenerife field trip – ‘Gallotia Galloti’ lizards (part 1)
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering students on a Tenerife field trip to study the lizard ‘Gallotia Galloti’.
Tenerife field trip – ‘Gallotia Galloti’ lizards (part 2)
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering students on a Tenerife field trip to study the lizard ‘Gallotia Galloti’.
SENRGY – A seaweed practical on the shore of the Menai Strait
School of the Environment, Natural Resources and Geography. Fieldwork by the Menai Strait.
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Graduation
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering students enjoying a Graduation party before collecting their degrees.
Music and dancing in the Botanical Garden
Live music and entertainment in Treborth Botanical Gardens.