Pronouncing the Names of Professional Services
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Services | Gwasanaeth | |
Canolfan Bedwyr | Canolfan Bedwyr | |
Pontio Arts | Celfyddydau Pontio | |
Corporate Services (Directorate) | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol (Cyfarwyddiaeth) | |
Corporate Services: Human Resources | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol:Â Adnoddau Dynol | |
Corporate Services: CELT | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol:Â CELT | |
Corporate Services: Planning & Student Data | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol:Â Cynllunio a Data Myfyrwyr | |
Corporate Services: VC, PVCs & Strategic Partnerships | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol:Â IG, DIG | |
Corporate Services: Governance & Compliance | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol:Llywodraethu a chydymffurio | |
Corporate Services: QA & Validation | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol Sicrhau Ansawdd a Dilysu | |
Corporate Services: Sustainability Lab | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol Y Lab Cynaliadwyedd | |
Corporate Services: Doctoral School | Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol Ysgol Ddoethurol | |
Finance & Research Services (Directorate) | Gwasanaethau Cyllid ac Ymchwil (Cyfarwyddiaeth) | |
Finance & Research Services: Research, Innovation & Impact | Gwasanaethau Cyllid ac Ymchwil:Â Ymchwil, Arloesi ac Effaith | |
Finance & Research Services: Finance | Gwasanaethau Cyllid ac Ymchwil:Â Cyllid | |
Property & Campus Services | Gwasanaethau Eiddo a Champws | |
Library and Archives Service | Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell ac Archifau | |
Commercial Services (Directorate) | Gwasanaethau Masnachol (Cyfarwyddiaeth) | |
Commercial Services: Catering | Gwasanaethau Masnachol:Â Arlwyo | Commercial Services: Sport | Gwasanaethau Masnachol:Â Chwaraeon |
Commercial Services: Conferencing & Business Development | Gwasanaethau Masnachol:Â Cynadledda a Datblygu Busnes | |
Commercial Services: Nursery | Gwasanaethau Masnachol:Â Meithrinfa | |
Commercial Services: Halls | Gwasanaethau Masnachol:Â Neuaddau | |
Student Services (Directorate) | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr (Cyfarwyddiaeth) | |
Student Services: Student Support | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Cefnogi Myfyrwyr | |
Student Services: Student Engagement | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Ennyn Diddordeb Myfyrwyr | |
Student Services: Counselling Service | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Gwasanaeth Cwnsela | |
Student Services: Disability Service | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Gwasanaeth Anabledd | |
Student Services: Student Administration | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Gweinyddu Myfyrwyr | |
Student Services: Skills & Employability | Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr:Â Sgiliau a Chyflogadwyedd | |
IT Services | Gwasanaethau TG | |
Marketing, Recruitment & Public Affairs (Directorate) | Marchnata, Recriwtio a Chyfathrebu (Cyfarwyddiaeth) | |
Marketing:ÌìÌì³Ô¹ÏInternational College | Marchnata:Coleg Rhyngwladol Bangor | |
Marketing: Communications & Public Affairs | Marchnata:Cyfathrebu a Materion Cyhoeddus | |
Marketing:Development & Alumni Relations | Marchnata:Datblygu a Chysylltiadau Alumni | |
Marketing: Admissions | Marchnata:Derbyniadau | |
Marketing:Widening Access | Marchnata:Ehangu Mynediad | |
Marketing:UK Marketing & Recruitment | Marchnata:Marchnata a Recriwtio yn y DU | |
Marketing: International Recruitment & Development | Marchnata: Recriwtio Rhyngwladol a Datblygu | |
Students Union | Undeb y Myfyrwyr | |
University Farm | Fferm y Brifysgol | |
Welsh For Adults | Cymraeg i Oedolion |