Module ICE-2301:
VLSI & Digital Circuits
VLSI & Digital Circuits 2024-25
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Mohammed Mabrook
Indicative content includes:
Review of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, combinational circuits, programmable logic. CMOS logic. Synchronous Finite State Machines. Analysis and synthesis of ‘Moore’ and ‘Mealy’ synchronous circuits. Partition Minimisation, State Assignment. Circuits for addition, subtraction and multiplication, including speed-up techniques. Carry-look ahead, array multipliers. Multi-operand addition. Wallace and Dadda Trees. The problems of testing digital circuits. ASIC technologies: fully custom, standard cell, gate array and programmable ASICs. Influence of total cost on choice of ASIC type. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Programming technology. CMOS logic cells. Coarse-grained vs fine-grained architectures. Routing and Timing. I/O cells. Embedded microprocessors. Register Transfer Level (RTL) design: datapath, High Level State Machines (HSM), operator binding, operator scheduling, area-time trade-offs.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Equivalent to 40%.Uses key areas of theory or knowledge to meet the Learning Outcomes of the module. Is able to formulate an appropriate solution to accurately solve tasks and questions. Can identify individual aspects, but lacks an awareness of links between them and the wider contexts. Outputs can be understood, but lack structure and/or coherence.
-good -Equivalent to the range 60%-69%.Is able to analyse a task or problem to decide which aspects of theory and knowledge to apply. Solutions are of a workable quality, demonstrating understanding of underlying principles. Major themes can be linked appropriately but may not be able to extend this to individual aspects. Outputs are readily understood, with an appropriate structure but may lack sophistication.
-excellent -Equivalent to the range 70%+.Assemble critically evaluated, relevant areas of knowledge and theory to constuct professional-level solutions to tasks and questions presented. Is able to cross-link themes and aspects to draw considered conclusions. Presents outputs in a cohesive, accurate, and efficient manner.
Learning Outcomes
- Distinguish different types of ASICs, their design, their suitability for given applications, and techniques to program them.
- Explain and apply the principles of synchronous digital circuit design.
- Reconstruct the common circuits used for computer arithmetic.
- Test and measure, using common approaches and tools, digital circuits.
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Final exam
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Class test 1 - January class test to cover material from semester 1
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Practical experiments
Due date