About This Course
This course is also offered through the medium of Welsh.
Associate Teachers (ATs) will deliver outdoor activities at outdoor education centres, as a component of the PE curriculum, and as a method of complementing the teaching of classroom subjects in an outdoor context. ATs will regard outdoor learning as both a subject area and an experiential learning approach to teaching that adds value to the whole curriculum.
They will understand how teaching strategies are influenced by major learning theories; for example, ATs’ understanding of Dewey’s experiential learning theory will inform learning experience design promoting long-term understanding and reflection. In addition, the importance of context will be discussed, enabling ATs to appreciate the foundations of field work and links with other subjects. Current developments in outdoor learning and pedagogy will be critically analysed, thus ensuring practice is contemporary and relevant.
ATs will understand how ODA are situated within the National Curriculum in Wales and the new Areas of Learning, and will teach ODA using ICT and deliver relevant aspects of the Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency frameworks within the subject. ODA ATs will embody the four purposes in their teaching ensuring learners understand the importance of being sustainably literate, healthy (both physically and mentally) and able to play a valuable role in society, be that in everyday life or an adventurous context.
The Secondary PGCE programme is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of how children and adolescents learn, and equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to develop as a creative and innovative teacher. You will learn about adolescent’s development through the Secondary sector and be supported to become an excellent teacher. This PGCE with QTS* is recognised across Wales and England and is often transferable* further afield for entry into the teaching profession.
Committed schools with well-trained mentors will support Associate Teachers’ progress towards Qualified Teacher Status in accordance with Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales.
Experienced tutors and researchers in university and school based staff will provide excellent support and stimulating sessions, and the qualification gained will equip students to teach within and beyond Wales.
Students on this English medium course will be placed in English Medium Schools only and you do not need to speak Welsh, or live in Wales, to apply for the course. However as part of our commitment to bilingualism we will support you in your understanding of Welsh culture and your Welsh language learning, whether you are a complete beginner or a fluent user of the language.
*Those seeking to teach outside Wales and England should check recognition and transferability of Qualified Teacher Status with the respective country’s Teachers’ Professional Body.
Research Opportunities
The programme is co-constructed, delivered and assessed with a network of excellent partnership schools across the region.
Course Content
What will you study on this course?
ATs will be able to:
- Engage children in learning about the natural environment and how to become sustainably literate citizens.
- Develop children’s personal and social skills through the use of challenge and adventure based activities.
- Permit access to inter and intra personal challenges.
- Use a variety of challenge by choice adventurous activities to develop good models for thinking.
ATs will understand how learners learn:
- psychomotor/physical literacy skills needed to perform adventurous activities.
- affective skills learned through challenge activities such as communication, team working, self-reflection.
Entry Requirements
- At least a 2:2 honours degree or equivalent in an area related to subject of study.
- Grade C/Grade 4 in the GCSE examination in any of the following: English Language, English Literature, Welsh Language (First Language), Welsh Literature.
- Grade C/Grade 4 in the GCSE Examination in Mathematics or Mathematics-Numeracy must also be achieved.Â
- A willingness and positive attitude towards seeking to improve personal use of the Welsh Language.
- IELTS Level 7 overall (with no element below 6.5).
To teach, you need Initial Teacher Education (ITE) based at a university, school or college in the UK. Candidates should note that the application process for the PGCE programmes differs from ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï’s standard postgraduate application procedure.
Applicants applying for teacher training will need to apply through the Undergraduate UCAS system. Please refer to UCAS for further information.
PGCE Secondary with QTS is recognised across Wales and England and is often transferable* further afield for entry into the teaching profession. It fully prepares you for the demands of teaching in Wales and beyond.
*Those seeking to teach outside Wales and England should check recognition and transferability of Qualified Teacher Status with the respective country’s Teachers’ Professional Body.
The CaBan programmes prepare you for a wide range of roles within education and develops essential leadership skills. There is a growing body of evidence that school leadership has an impact on student outcomes second only to the influence of teachers in the classroom. Within the CaBan partnership we have international expertise and experience of the latest leadership theory and research. This expertise impacts on both the content of this programme and the significant developments across the region and at national level with respect to developing strong and effective leadership teams in our schools.
The programme also offers short placements in Secondary and Special Schools, short/full placements in Outdoor Centres and other education related settings to ensure you have enhanced experience specific to your individual interests.