Modules for course D9AN | MSC/CLM
MSc Conservation and Land Management
Year 1 Modules
The student must take between 90 and 180
credits from the modules.
ENS-4211 Agriculture & the environment
(Semester 1)
ENS-4403 Data Management and Analysis
(Semester 1)
ENS-4402 Interdisciplinary Aspects of C
(Semester 1)
ENS-4408 Biodiversity & Ecosystem Funct
(Semester 1)
ENS-4207 Botanical Ecology & Ecosystem
(Semester 2)
ENS-4205 Management planning
(Semester 2)
Field Course The student must take a maximum of 15
credits from the modules.
ENS-4407 Borneo Field Trip
(Semester 2)
ENS-4208 Wildlife Conservation UK Field
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules The student can take 15 credits from the
modules in Optional Modules.
ENS-4406 Methods in Wildlife Cons
(Semester 2)
ENS-4405 Human-Wildlife Co-Existence
(Semester 2)