Modules for course B7AX | MSC/ADCLPR
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Year 1 Modules
Dissertation Full-time over 1 year - Dissertation
Students must take one 60 credit dissertation module.
Optional modules for full-time students
The student must take 40 credits
from the modules in Optional modules for part-time
NHS-4258 Independent Prescribing
(Full Term)
NHS-4446 Minor Illness (Autumn)
(Full Term)
NHS-4442 Critical Care 1 Fundamental
(Full Term)
NHS-4384 Contraception and Ass Health
(Full Term)
NHS-4371 Communication in Dementia Care
(Full Term)
NHS-4377 Child Adolescent Mental Health
(Full Term)
NHS-4376 Emergency Practitioner
(Full Term)
NHS-4259 Prescribing for Pharmacists
(Full Term)
NHS-4207 Principles & Prac. Pub. Health
(Semester 1)
NHS-4380 Leadership in Context
(Semester 1)
NHS-4247 Diabetes Management
(Semester 1)
NHS-4005 Epidemiology
(Semester 2)
NHS-4382 Best Practice and Behaviour
(Semester 2)
NHS-4546 Minor Illness (Spring)
(Semester 2)