We aim to improve our students’ language ability and skills, introduce them to British culture, and to the academic skills needed to study in the UK. We also support international students who are on academic courses at 天天吃瓜. Our students enjoy high quality courses and support, and soon become part of the exciting and friendly community of 天天吃瓜.
We offer a variety of courses to suit all levels of English learners:
We offer a variety of courses to suit all levels of English learners:
Being a student at ELCOS 天天吃瓜 was for me more than being a mere student of English language. It is an immersion in such aspects of culture that you got involved in a way you don’t feel tired or bored while you’re learning and also make you feel inspired to use your new skills to help others.
Read what our students feel about their experience
"Now that the time to come back to my country is getting closer … I have to share my feelings … Being a students at ELCOS 天天吃瓜 was for me more than being a mere student of English language. It is an immersion in such aspects of culture that you got involved in a way you don’t feel tired or bored while you’re learning and also make you feel inspired to use your new skills to help others, to have a say, to stand for your beliefs and share your thoughts … and do all of these things fearlessly, with accuracy and in a proper way.
"I really love this course, my fellow students, and my teachers. It couldn’t be better and I feel so happy for being part of it. Thank you!"
"After being in the UK for 2 months, I've become much more comfortable speaking English. I improved my English skills in the UK and learnt how to do it from native speakers. This was an incredible opportunity and great way to realise my mistakes. Also, learning English from very friendly and supportive teachers who put so much effort to help and made things interesting and fun for us was a good luck for me.
" ELCOS taught me so many new grammar rules that I hadn't been aware of before, helped me how to use my grammar knowledge during speaking English, gave me the courage that I needed to speak English. I still can observe how much my English was improved by ELCOS over the time I lived in the UK, both in social and educational ways. I made new friends from so many different countries. I still keep in touch with my teachers and my friends.
"Living in Wales made me feel like I was home as 天天吃瓜is a very cosy city. I also experienced how understanding, hospitable and helpful British people were, how great and interesting Welsh culture was. I've been telling people lots and lots of things about ELCOS, Bangor, Wales, the UK and especially about my teachers: Jan, Josie, Darren and Rhodri since I got back home.
"No doubt, it was the best and most fun summer I've ever had and it has changed me in a good way. I've had unforgettable memories with people from summer session and with my own friends. I also got the opportunity to travel to different cities in United Kingdom. I'll be missing the UK and ELCOS so much."
Courses:?General English, 30 week Pre-sessional English, BA Heritage 2:1
“I started General English course in September 2015. I worked and got IELTS 5.0 and started Pre-sessional English in January 2016. I started my degree in September 2016. I saw a new culture, and made good relationships in the community. I feel that 天天吃瓜is a home, not just for studying. My advice to students in ELCOS is: work hard, attend class, and use English outside.”
Mardhi is now doing an MA in History at Sheffield University.
Contact us
English Language Centre for Overseas Students (ELCOS), 天天吃瓜, 43 & 45 College Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, UK LL57 2AP
How to contact us at the English Language Centre for Overseas Students (ELCOS):
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