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Cataloging Policy Strategy

Archives and Special Collections

Cataloguing Policy and Strategy (for archival collections)



  1. ԳٰǻܳپDz

  1. ٲڴھԲ

  1. ܲԻ徱Բ

  1. Cataloguing standards / Multi-level descriptions

  1. Access to catalogues

  1. 𳦳ܰٲ

  1. Archives Hub


  1. ԳٰǻܳپDz

  1. Action Plan

  1. Cataloguing priorities

Document Control

File Name

Archives and Special Collections Cataloguing Policy and Strategy (for archival collections)

Original Author(s)

Head of Archives and Special Collections

Current Revision Author(s)

Archives and Special Collections Manager


Approved by Collections and Cultural Affairs Task Group 19 December 2022.


BU Digital Services


Archives and Special Collections




Notes on Revisions


12 February 2016

Head of Archives and Special Collections

Approved June 2016


June 2019

Archives and Special Collections Manager

Reviewed – no changes made


April 2022

Manager of the Archives and Special Collections

Remove “Archives Wales” and add “ALMA” to point 2. Other revisions relate to work with Archives Hub

Review date : April 2025

  1. ԳٰǻܳپDz

Cataloguing is defined as the process of creating multi-level descriptions which convey the context and content of archives and promote access to them.

This policy covers the creation of descriptive information about archives in the custody of BU.

The Archives and Special Collections will ensure that archival collections deposited at BU are catalogued, indexed and packaged to the highest archival standards set out by the International Council of Archives, National Council on Archives and the ARA

Our aim is allow access to all members of the public to information about the collections through the CALM online catalogue, hard copy paper catalogues (which are available in the reading room) and via other online resources such as the Archives Hub and BU Library catalogue (ALMA).

We will ensure that the collections are catalogued according to set cataloguing priorities and standards.

BU will also create a cataloguing strategy to define how to implement this policy

  1. ٲڴھԲ

Cataloguing work should usually be undertaken by professional staff who have been trained in both archival description and archive appraisal and are familiar with in-house cataloguing rules

Some types of cataloguing work may be undertaken either by other staff or by volunteers under direction from a suitably qualified professional.

All staff and volunteers will receive task-specific training.

  1. ܲԻ徱Բ

BU may seek external funding for cataloguing from time-to-time.

  1. Cataloguing standards / Multi-level descriptions

  • The content of multi-level description will be determined by the rules within ISAD(G) v2.

  • GLAM Cataloguing Guidelines, version 2, March 2013 will be applied when cataloguing literary collections.

  • The Archives and Special Collections Cataloguing Guidelines (for Archival Collections) defines house standards and presentational standards for catalogues.

  • The Guide to Calm Cataloguing and Export to the Archives Hub, 25 May 2021 will also be consulted when cataloguing directly onto CALM or inputting historical catalogues.

Catalogues will be produced in accordance to these guidelines (copies of which are available in the “Staff Manual” in the office)

The minimum number of elements which is considered essential for international exchange of descriptive information is as follows

  1. Reference number

  1. Title

  1. Creator name

  1. Date

  1. Extent of unit of description

  1. Level of description

  1. Language

  1. Country Code

  1. Repository Code

  1. Access to catalogues

  • Records acquired will be catalogued as soon as resources become available.

  • All newly-created catalogues will be available online.

  • Hard or paper copy catalogues will also be made available in the search room. The donor or depositor will also receive a copy of the catalogue.

  • We will endeavour to input all existing historical / paper catalogues onto the CALM database.

  • In some instances, it may be necessary to catalogue part of or sections of a large fonds/collection and make it available before the complete fonds/collection has been catalogued. Approaching cataloguing work in this piecemeal fashion enables the service to provide access to archives which are in high demand.

  1. Security

  • Back up of CALM server occurs every evening.

  • Paper catalogues have been microfilmed by the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the UK and Ireland, 2000-2003.

  1. Archives Hub

  • The CIIM is the administrative interface for the Archives Hub and will be used to allow us to view the descriptions the A&SC has on the Hub, to un-publish and re-publish and to upload new descriptions that are Hub valid EAD.

  • Any changes made to the CALM catalogue must also be made to the Archives Hub via the CIIM to ensure conformity across all platforms with regards to our archival descriptions.


  1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to establish a clear strategy for future cataloguing of archival material.

Cataloguing is a key responsibility of the Archives and Special Collections and it is important to take a strategic and managed approach to this work. Increasing the number of catalogued records and providing new and richer information about our holdings is central to providing wider, improved access to the collections in our care. Cataloguing is a means of providing a living record of the collections held in the Archives and if records are not kept up to date then clearly an incomplete picture of holdings is given and access in compromised.

  1. Action plan

  • To accession each collection within 4-8 weeks of it entering the custody of BU thus establishing immediate intellectual and physical control. (See Archives and Special Collections Receiving Material and Accessioning Procedures)

  • To utilise CALM

  • To utilise Archives Hub

  • To maintain a list of cataloguing priorities, based on the guidelines below

  • Provide in-house training to staff in cataloguing standards

  • Monitor current and future professional standards

  • Employ fully qualified archivists to undertake cataloguing projects where possible

  • To catalogue all material entering the Archives to collection level within 2 years

  • The maximum time expected to elapse between the acquisition of an archive, its accession documentation, and the completion of a catalogue will vary from collection to collection. We will endeavour to ensure that it is no longer than 15 years.

  1. Cataloguing priorities

There is a need to continually assess cataloguing priorities.

The following principles will be considered when assessing the cataloguing priorities of each new collection :

  • The demand for the collection

  • The size of the collection

  • Any closure periods on the collection

  • Any current finding aids which exist e.g. box lists / inventories

  • The depth of description required

  • The time it would take to complete a full catalogue of the collection

  • The level and depth of cataloguing appropriate to the collections

  • Any surveys of the collections conducted e.g. Catalog Cymru

In some cases (e.g. a significant archive with much associated contextual information) it will be desirable and possible to catalogue at item level. In other cases (e.g. large, complex collections) it will be more appropriate, or only possible, to catalogue down to the level of series or file. Some collections may only be box-listed for significant periods, depending on their priority.

Staff knowledge of the archival collections and of the needs of users are paramount when assessing cataloguing priorities.