Modiwlau cwrs N3AX | MSC/BANKFIN
MSc Banking and Finance
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
Compulsory Modules The student must take 90 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
ASB-4403 Int'l Financial Markets
(Semester 1)
ASB-4411 International Banking
(Semester 1)
ASB-4416 Credit Risk Analytics
(Semester 1)
ASB-4408 Financial Econometrics
(Semester 2)
ASB-4402 Bank Financial Management
(Semester 2)
ASB-4101 Research Methods
(Semester 2)
Summer Modules The student must take 60 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
The student must take 60 credits from
the modules.
Optional Modules The student must take 30 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
The student must take 30 credits from
the modules.
ASB-4125 Invstmt Strat & Portfolio Mgmt
(Semester 1)
ASB-4447 Credit & Lending
(Semester 1)
ASB-4424 Islamic Banking
(Semester 2)
ASB-4008 Financial Technology
(Semester 2)