Modiwl BIC-0013:
Business Law
Business Law 2024-25
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï International College (Department)
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Tom Ledbury
All legitimate businesses need to operate within the framework of the law. This module gives you an understanding of the different laws governing how to form, run, and close a business in England and Wales. You will cover the main types of business entity such as sole trader, partnership, and company, and gain practical knowledge relating to the fundamental rights and liabilities in law that may affect the formation of modern businesses.
The main topics studied in the module are: a) Main elements of the legal system in England and Wales as it relates to businesses and their activities. b) Different types of businesses and how their differences affect their management structures and the legal responsibilities they have under the law. c) Law around the concept of negligence and the responsibilities of businesses in this regard. d) Introduction to the law of tort. e) Consumer protection legislation. f) Introduction to the notion of ethical behaviour in business. g) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). h) Diversity, Inclusion and Equality (DEI).
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (40-49% / D- to D+) Has shown knowledge of key areas and principles but there is a weakness in understanding the subject area. Shows limited problem solving in response to questions.
Satisfactory (50–59% / C- to C+) Has shown knowledge of the key areas and principles and the main elements of the subject area are understood. Shows some problem-solving skills in response to questions.
Good (60-69% / B- to B+) Has shown a strong knowledge and understands most of the subject area. Shows good problem-solving skills in response to questions.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Has shown a comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the subject area. Shows excellent problem-solving skills in response to questions.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe how modern business entities are affected by law of contract and negligence.
- Identify relevant legal resources and apply them to significant legal issues
- Use case law, statute and problem solving in case-study questions to demonstrate how the law impacts modern-day businesses.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
An interim test set mid-way through the module and having a focus on the topics covered in the first half of the module.
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Final exam covering content on the course. Exam includes MCQs, and case studies with short answer questions.