Modiwl ASB-3430:
Consultancy Project
Consultancy Project 2024-25
天天吃瓜Business School
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Elizabeth Heyworth-Thomas
The Consultancy Project is designed to enable students to develop an advanced ability to select, define, research, analyse, develop solutions to an issue introduced by a business., as well as employability skills. Under the guidance of academic supervisors, students undertake a business-related project to develop over 10 weeks. They define and investigate the issue to propose conclusions and recommendations. They present the results of their work in a final presentation. The consultancy team may consist of students from differing subject areas, depending upon the project.
The Consultancy Project is designed to enable students to develop an advanced ability to select, define, research, analyse, develop solutions to an issue introduced by a business, as well as employability skills. Under the guidance of academic supervisors, students undertake a business-related project to develop over 10 weeks. They define and investigate the issue to propose conclusions and recommendations. They present the results of their work in a final presentation. The consultancy team may consist of students from differing subject areas, depending upon the project.
Assessment Strategy
A- to A+ (70%+): Outstanding performance. The relevant information accurately deployed. Excellent grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practice elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Strong evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
B- to B+ (60-69%): Very good performance Most of the relevant information accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Good integration of theory/practice/information in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills. of the use of creative and reflective skills.
C to C+ (50-59%): Much of the relevant information and skills mostly accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Fair integration of theory/practice/information in the pursuit of the assessed work's objectives. Some evidence of the use of creative and reflective skills.
D- to D+ (40-49%): No major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of information/skills. Some grasp of theoretical/conceptual/practical elements. Integration of theory/practice/information present intermittently in pursuit of the assessed work's objectives
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to report, present and defend in depth a chosen project particularly with regard to its potential application in a commercial context.
- Apply academic knowledge and research skills to address business and organisational issues
- Demonstrate appropriate professional behaviour.
- Demonstrate the ability to research and validate the potential of different ideas and develop a proposal that responds directly to the problem identified
- Demonstrate the ability to work in a group
Assessment method
Assessment type
A weekly blog of 100 words each week, summarising the progression of the project with reflective summary
Due date
Assessment method
Group Presentation
Assessment type
Group presentation of Project, which will be allocated a group mark, marked using BuddyCheck to ensure individual contribution to the project is taken into consideration
Due date
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
Group Project based on the requirements of an External business which will be allocated a group mark, marked using BuddyCheck to ensure individual contribution to the project is taken into consideration
Due date