Lle rydym yn gweithio
Mae ein lleoliad unigryw ar garreg drws Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri yn rhoi cyfle gwych i ddeall llif maetholion a llygryddion o ddalgylchoedd afonydd hyd yr arfordir. Rydym hefyd yn cydweithio ag amrywiaeth eang o wyddonwyr eraill ledled y byd. Mae ein hymchwil yn dilyn pob trywydd posibl.
Y maetholion a'r llygryddion rydym yn astudio
Yng nghyd-destun newid hinsawdd, defnydd cynaliadwy o dir a llygredd dŵr, mae llawer o’n gwaith yn canolbwyntio ar gylchredau carbon, ffosfforws a nitrogen. Rydym hefyd yn astudio llif metelau trwm ac elfennau prinfwynau mewn ecosystemau pridd, afonydd a llynnoedd, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â gweithgareddau mwyngloddio a gwerthuso llwyddiant mesurau adfer. Ategir y gwaith hwn gan ymchwil ar ddiraddiad, tynged ac effaith llygryddion organig sy'n dod i'r amlwg yn yr amgylchedd, gan gynnwys plastigion, cemegau sy’n ymyrwyr endocrin a chynhyrchion fferyllol.

Cyfleusterau labordy a chyfleusterau maes rhagorol
Mae hyn yn cynnwys gorsaf faes arbrofol Henfaes sydd wedi’i lleoli ger y Brifysgol, ac sy’n caniatáu astudiaethau integredig o arfordir Môr Iwerddon i fynyddoedd Eryri. Gerllaw, mae gennym hefyd ddalgylch 'Labordy Byw' afon Conwy, sef parth arfordirol ac aberol sy'n ganolbwynt i'n hastudiaethau ar newid defnydd tir ac effaith llygredd amaethyddol a threfol. Mae gennym hefyd wlyptiroedd, coedwigoedd a gweithfeydd trin dŵr gwastraff i gynnal arbrofion ynddynt. Dramor mae gennym safleoedd maes tymor hir mewn ecosystemau pegynol, coedwigoedd trofannol/boreal/tymherus, anialwch, glaswelltiroedd ac amrywiaeth eang o ecosystemau amaethyddol.
Mae gennym labordai maes cludadwy a rhwydweithiau synwyryddion ar gyfer astudio ansawdd dŵr ac allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr (CO2, N2O, CH4). Ategir hyn gan ein cyfleusterau dadansoddol canolog sy'n cynnwys yr offer diweddaraf ar gyfer nodweddu a meithrin cymunedau microbaidd (e.e., GridIon, qPCR, dPCR, NextSeq, MiSeq, RABIT, Bioadweithyddion, didolwr cell Sysmex), olrhain isotopau (e.e., 3H, 13C, 14C, 15N, 32P, 33P, 35S), dadansoddiad elfennaidd (e.e., TXRF, pXRF, ICP, Dionex) a dadansoddi llygryddion organig a metabolomeg (e.e., Orbitrap LC-MS/MS, Synapt G2-Si IMS LC-MS/MS, Xevo TQ-XS UPLC, HPLC). Cefnogir ein biowybodeg gan Uwchgyfrifiadura Cymru.
Newyddion diweddaraf
Ein hymchwilwyr
Dysgwch fwy am rai o'n hymchwilwyr. Mae rhestr lawn o staff a myfyrwyr isod.
Ymchwilwyr Biogeocemeg priddoedd, gwlyptiroedd ac amgylcheddau morol
- Prof. Graham Bird
- Prof. David Chadwick
- Dr Christian Dunn
- Dr Nathalie Fenner
- Prof. Chris Freeman (Emeritus)
- Prof. Peter N. Golyshin
- Dr Olga V. Golyshina
- Prof. Rob Griffiths
- Dr Ellie Jameson
- Prof. D. Barrie Johnson (Emeritus)
- Prof. Davey Jones
- Dr Karina A. Marsden
- Prof. Morag McDonald
- Dr Andy R. Smith
- Dr Bid Webb
- Dr Prysor Williams
Ein projectau
Dysgwch am ein projectau cyfredol drwy ddarllen ein tudalennau project a’n blogiau:
Cyhoeddiadau diweddaraf
Caiff detholiad o gyhoeddiadau diweddar ymchwilwyr y grŵp Biogeocemeg Priddoedd, Gwlyptiroedd, ac Amgylcheddau Morol eu rhestru yma, ond ar gyfer yr holl gyhoeddiadau diweddaraf, darllenwch dudalennau’r ymchwilwyr unigol trwy ddilyn y dolenni uchod.
- Brown, R.W.,Chadwick, D.R.,Zang, H.,Graf, M.,Liu, X.,Wang, K.,Greenfield, L.M.&Jones, D.L., 2023.Bioplastic (PHBV) addition to soil alters microbial community structure and negatively affects plant-microbial metabolic functioning in maize. Journal of Hazardous Materials441, 129959.
- Brown, R.,Chadwick, D.,Bott, T.,West, H.,Wilson, P.,Hodgins, G.,Snape, C.&Jones, D.L., 2023. Biochar application to temperate grasslands: challenges and opportunities for delivering multiple ecosystem services. Biochar5,33.
- Browne, L.,Markesteijn, L.,Manzané-Pinzón, E.,Wright, S.J.,Bagchi, R.,Engelbrecht, B.,Jones, F.A.&Comita, L.S.,2023. Widespread variation in functional trait-vital rate relationships in tropical tree seedlings across a precipitation and soil phosphorus gradient. Functional Ecology37,248-260
- Buckingham, S.,Topp, C.F.E.,Smith, P.,Eory, V.,Chadwick, D.,Baxter, C.K.,Cloy, J.M.,Connolly, S.,Cooledge, E.,Cowan, N.,Drewer, J.,Duffy, C.,Fox, N.J.,Jebari, A.,Jenkins, B.,Krol, D.J.,Marsden, K.,McAuliffe, G.A.,Morrison, S.J.,O'Flaherty, V.,Ramsey, R.,Richards, K.G.,Roehe, R.,Smith, J.,Smith, K.,Takahashi, T.,Thorman, R.E.,Williams, J.,Wiltshire, J.&Rees, R.M., 2023. Priorities for mitigating greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions to meet UK policy targets. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 10, 268-280.
- Button, E.S.,Marshall, M.,Sanchez-Rodriguez, A.R.,Blaud, A.,Abadie, M.,Chadwick, D.R.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Greenhouse gas production, diffusion and consumption in a soil profile under maize and wheat production. Geoderma 430, 116310.
- Dodd, R.J.,Chadwick, D.R.,Hill, P.W.,Hayes, F.,Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.R.,Gwynn-Jones, D.,Smart, S.M.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Resilience of ecosystem service delivery in grasslands in response to single and compound extreme weather events. Science of the Total Environment861, 160660.
- Dunn, C.,2023. Earth has lost one-fifth of its wetlands since 1700 – but most could still be saved. .
- Esquivel Sheik, M.J.,Finegan, B.,Healey, J.&Casanoves, F.,2023.Increasing biodiversity in livestock production systems: plant traits and natural regeneration capacity of woody vegetation in managed grasslands. In: Silvopastoral systems of Meso America and Northern South America: Chará, J. & Jose, S. (eds).Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Ford, H.,Gove, J.M.,Healey, J.,Davies, A.,Graham, N.&Williams, G.J.,2023. Recurring bleaching events disrupt the spatial properties of coral reef benthic communities across scales. .
- Gao, D.,Liu, S.,Gao, F.,Ning, C.,Wu, X.,Yan, W.&Smith, A.,2024. Response of soil micro-food web to nutrient limitation along a subtropical forest restoration. Science of the Total Environment909,168349.
- Gao, L.,Smith, A.,Jones, D.L.,Guo, Y.,Lui, B.,Guo, Z.,Chunnan, F.,Zheng, J.,Cui, X.&Hill, P., 2023. How do tree species with different successional stages affect soil organic nitrogen transformations? Geoderma430,116319
- Gao, L.,Smith, A.,Jones, D.L.,Lui, B.,Guo, Y.,Cui, X.&Hill, P.,2024. Respiration and carbon use efficiency characteristics of soluble protein-derived carbon by soil microorganisms: A case study at afforested sites. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 188,109255.
- Graf, M.,Greenfield, L.,Reay, M.K.,Bargiela, R.,Williams, G.,Onyije, C.,Lloyd, C.E.M.,Bull, I.D.,Evershed, R.P.,Golyshin, P.,Chadwick, D.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Increasing concentration of pure micro- and macro-LDPE and PP plastic negatively affect crop biomass, nutrient cycling, and microbial biomass. Journal of Hazardous Materials 458,131932
- Gresham, A.,Healey, J.,Eichhorn, M.,Barton, O.,Smith, A.&Shannon, G.,2023. Horizontal viewsheds of large herbivores as a function of woodland structure. Ecology and Evolution13,11.
- King, A.J.,Portugal, S.J.,Strombom, D.,Mann, R.P.,Carrillo, J.A.,Kalise, D.,Croon, G.D.,Barnett, H.,Scerri, P.,Gross, R.,Chadwick, D.&Papadopoulou, M.,2023. Biologically inspired herding of animal groups by robots. Methods in Ecology and Evolution14,478-486.
- Li, J.,Zhang, J.,Ren, S.,Huang, D.,Liu, F.,Li, Z.,Zhang, H.,Zhao, M.,Cao, Y.,Mofolo, S.,Liang, J.,Xu, W.,Jones, D.L.,Chadwick, D.R.,Liu, X.&Wang, K.,2023. Atmospheric deposition of microplastics in a rural region of North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment877, 162947.
- Ning, Y.,Liu, S.,Smith, A.,Qiu, Y.,Gao, H.,Yuan, W.,Lu, Y.,Yuan, W.&Feng, S.,2023. Dynamic multi-dimensional scaling of 30+ year evolution of Chinese urban systems: patterns and performance. Science of the Total Environment863, 160705.
- Pan, W.,Zhou, J.,Tang, S.,Wu, L.,Ma, Q.,Marsden, K.A.,Chadwick, D.D.R.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Utilisation and transformation of organic and inorganic nitrogen by soil microorganisms and its regulation by excessive carbon and nitrogen availability. Biology and Fertility of Soils59,379-389
- Peng, X.,Jiang, S.,Liu, S.,Valbuena, R.,Smith, A.,Zhan, Y.,Shi, Y.,Ning, Y.,Feng, S.,Gao, H.&Wang, Z.,2023. Long-term satellite observations show continuous increase of vegetation growth enhancement in urban environment. Science of the Total Environment898, 165515.
- Plaga, B.,Bauhus, J.,Smith, A.,Gonzalez Pereira, M.&Forrester, D.,2023. Drought-related mortality modifies mixing effects on light absorption and growth in mono-specific and mixed stands of Fagus sylvatica, Alnus glutinosa and Betula pendula. Forestry cpad051.
- Porto Costa, M.,Saget, S.,Zimmermann, B.,Petig, E.,Rees, R.M.,Chadwick, D.,Gibbons, J.,Shrestha, S.,Williams, M.&Styles, D.,2023. Environmental and land use consequences of replacing milk and beef with plant-based alternatives. Journal of Cleaner Production424, 138826.
- Reay, M.K.,Greenfield, L.M.,Graf, M.,Lloyd, C.E.M.,Evershed, R.P.,Chadwick, D.R.&Jones, D.L.,2023. LDPE and biodegradable PLA-PBAT plastics differentially affect plant-soil nitrogen partitioning and dynamics in a Hordeum vulgare mesocosm. Journal of Hazardous Materials447, 130825.
- Reay, M.K.,Marsden, K.,Powell, S.,Chadwick, D.,Jones, D.L.&Evershed, R. P., 2023. Combining field and laboratory approaches to quantify N assimilation in a soil microbe-plant-animal grazing land system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment346, 108338.
- Reay, M.K.,Marsden, K.,Powell, S.,Rivera, L.M.,Chadwick, D.,Jones, D.L.&Evershed, R.P.,2023. The soil microbial community and plant biomass differentially contribute to the retention and recycling of urinary-N in grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry180, 109011.
- Rhymes, J.,Chadwick, D.R.,Williams, A.P.,Harris, I.M.,Lark, R.M.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Evaluating the accuracy and usefulness of commercially-available proximal soil mapping services for grassland nutrient management planning and soil health monitoring. Precision Agriculture 24,898-920.
- Samphire, M.,Chadwick, D.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Biodegradable plastic mulch films increase yield and promote nitrogen use efficiency in organic horticulture. Frontiers in Agronomy5, 1141608
- Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.R.,Gómez-Álvarez, E.,Méndez, J.M.,Skiba, U.M.,Jones, D.L.,Chadwick, D.R.,Del Campillo, M.C.,Fernandes, R.B.,Kleffmann, J.&Barrón, V.,2023. Photocatalytic fixation of NOx in soils. Chemosphere338, 139576.
- Silva, A.M.M.,Jones, D.L.,Chadwick, D.R.,Qi, X.,Cotta, S.R.,Araujo, V.L.V.P.,Matteoli, F.P.,Lacerda-Junior, G.V.,Pereira, A.P.A.,Fernandes-Junior, P.I.&Cardoso, E.J.B.N.,2023. Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria facilitate 33P uptake in maize plants under water stress? Microbiological Research271, 127350.
- Tang, S.,Ma, Q.,Marsden, K.,Chadwick, D.,Luo, Y.,Kuzyakov, Y.,Wu, L.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Microbial community succession in soil is mainly driven by carbon and nitrogen contents rather than phosphorus and sulphur contents. Soil Biology and Biochemistry180, 109019.
- Tang, S.,Ma, Q.,Zhou, J.,Pan, W.,Chadwick, D.R.,Gregory, A.S.,Wu, L.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Use of untargeted metabolomics to analyse changes in extractable soil organic matter in response to long-term fertilisation. Biology and Fertility of Soils59,301-316
- Viljoen, S.J.,Brailsford, F.L.,Murphy, D.V.,University, M.,Chadwick, D.R.&Jones, D.L.,2023. Leaching of phthalate acid esters from plastic mulch films and their degradation in response to UV irradiation and contrasting soil conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials443,130256.
- Wang, D.,Chadwick, D.R.,Hill, P.W.,Ge, T.&Jones, D.L., 2023. Tracing the mineralization rates of C, N and S from cysteine and methionine in a grassland soil: A 14-C and 35-S dual-labelling study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 177, 108906.
- Yan, X.,Li, J.,Smith, A.,Yang, D.,Ma, T.,Su, Y.&Shao, J.,2023. Evaluation of machine learning methods and multi-source remote sensing data combinations to construct forest above-ground biomass models. International Journal of Digital Earth16,4471-4491.