- Shanghai Normal University
- ECE Paris
- Greenwich University
- California Lutheran University
- Ripon College, Wisconsin
- University of Denver
- University of Mary Washington, Virginia
- University of North Carolina, Wilmingtom (UNCW)
- Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Most colleges and universities are happy to consider 天天吃瓜 as your host study abroad location, no matter which university you attend. If you do not attend one of the universities listed then please get in touch with Christine Monks to discuss opportunities to study through the study abroad programme.
We also accept direct enrolments for study abroad, and 天天吃瓜 is on the approved list for many universities around the US including:
- Columbus State University
- Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania
- Smith College, Massachusetts
- Wellesley College, Massachusetts
For more information about applying for our Study Abroad programme please visit this page.