Module QXL-4417:
Child Language Acquisition
Child Language Acquisition 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Eirini Sanoudaki
This module provides an overview of how languages are learned. In it you will be introduced to central questions in language acquisition research (e.g., How do we learn the meaning of words? What are the advantages of bringing up a child bilingually?). The focus will be on first language acquisition. We will cover topics such as word learning, syntactic development, language production, and typical vs. atypical development. We will also examine a variety of theoretical positions, including nativist and empiricist accounts of language acquisition, and a range of empirical approaches used to test these positions.
Students in this module, depending on assessment topics, research question(s) and methodologies will have to opportunity to utilize the department labs, specialized software and resources, when carry out their assessments. This can include access to and the use of; dedicated lab facilities for experiments, a professional grade sound isolation booth and high-end recording equipment setup, high-level statistical modelling and analysis software, behavioural experiment software systems, acoustic and phonetic analysis software, clinically-recognised standardised psychometric and language tests and a wide range of concordance software and specialised corpora for many languages.
Course content This module provides an introduction to the study of language development. There are three goals for this course. The first goal is to introduce students to key findings and central debates in the study of language development. The second goal is to provide students with the tools to critically examine the existing literature. The third goal is to provide hands-on experience and training in how to conduct research on language development. The lectures will provide students with the 鈥渂ig picture鈥, i.e. central topics are summarized, important studies discussed and open questions outlined. In the tutorials, students discuss key studies in detail and reflect on methodologies, results and implications.
The following topics will be covered:
1. Early language development
2. Phonological development
3. First language acquisition: Syntactic development
4. Multilingual Acquisition
5. Theories of language development: Constructivist and mentalist approaches
6. Bilingual development
7. Language disorders
8. Developmental neurolinguistics
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -C (50%): The answer must address the question. The answer must show a basic knowledge and understanding of the relevant key areas and principles of the foundational theories, constructs and methodologies of Linguistics. The student must show evidence of being able to apply the principles to the analysis of language and linguistic examples and/or data. The answer must show evidence of some background study. -good -B: The answer must be focussed and structured. The answer must show a better-than-average standard of knowledge and understanding of the foundational theories, constructs and methodologies of Linguistics. The linguistic examples used in the answer may be based upon examples from the literature but must also include original examples. The answer must show evidence of background study with at least some from primary sources. -excellent -A: The answer must be highly focused and well-structured. The answer must show comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding. The answer must show some original interpretation, new links between topics and/or a new approach to a problem. The answer must show evidence of extensive background study using primary sources.
Learning Outcomes
- Analyse and critically compare competing accounts and theories concerning child language acquisition in monolinguals and bilinguals to an advanced level'
- Assess and recommend research methods appropriate to the study of language development
- Critically evaluate and compare empirical studies of child language acquisition
- Present and discuss key facts, concepts, ideas and approaches for investigating of the central questions in the study of language development in sophisticated way
Assessment method
Assessment type
Take home Exercise. Data analysis exercise. Word limit 500 words.
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay: Students will be given a selection of essay topics related to child language acquisition to choose from.
Due date