Modules for course Q318 | BA/ELSLT
BA Eng Lang for Speech & Language Therapy (Subj to Validn)
Year 1 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
JXH-1003 Research Methods 1
(Semester 1)
QXL-1116 Introduction to Meaning
(Semester 2)
QXL-1020 Intro to English Grammar
(Semester 2)
Disgrifio Iaith / Introduction to
Language The
student must take 1 module.
Options The student must take a minimum of 20
credits from the modules.
PPP-1005 Brain & Mind
(Semester 2)
JXH-1002 Research Methods 2
(Semester 2)
Scientific Writing & Comm / Sgiliau Academaidd
Dwyieithog. The student may not take more than 1
PCC-1008 Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieithog
(Semester 1)
PPP-1003 Scientific Writing & Comm I
(Semester 1)
Language and Society The student may not take more than 1
QCB-1113 Iaith a Chymdeithas
(Semester 1)
QXL-1113 Language and Society
(Semester 1)
Year 2 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
Optional The student must take 80 credits from
the modules.
QCL-2245 Ieithyddiaeth Gymraeg
(Semester 1)
QXL-2222 History of English
(Semester 1)
QXL-2235 Foundations of Multilingualism
(Semester 1)
QXL-2204 Morphosyntax
(Semester 1)
PPP-2014 Personality & Indiv Diffs
(Semester 1)
QXL-2250 Analysing Discourse
(Semester 2)
QCL-2271 Amrywiaeth yn y Gymraeg
(Semester 2)
Social Psychology / Seicoleg
Gymdeithasol The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules.
PPP-2010 Social Psychology
(Semester 1)
PCC-2007 Seicoleg Gymdeithasol
(Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
Dissertation / Traethawd Hir
The student must take 40 credits
from the modules.
QCB-3341 Traethawd Hir/Dissertation
(Full Term)
QXL-3341 Dissertation
(Full Term)
Optional The student must take 60 credits from
the modules.
QXL-3343 Language and Communication
(Semester 1)
QXL-3370 Language Policy and Planning 2
(Semester 1)
QXL-3349 Psychology of Language
(Semester 1)
QXL-3375 Historical Linguistics
(Semester 1)
QXL-3347 Language Change
(Semester 2)
QXL-3325 Speech Science
(Semester 2)
QXL-3317 Child Language Acquisition
(Semester 2)
QCL-3370 Agweddau ar Ddwyieithrwydd
(Semester 2)