Module ICE-4853:
Design Project
Applied Design Project 2024-25
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Peredur Williams
The project's defined scope aims to enhance practical insights into design processes. Support for crafting the learning contract encompasses identifying innovation and value within the project, preparing for assessment milestones and outcomes, and conducting a skills and knowledge gap analysis to bolster the project. Additionally, a workshop induction will empower students to confidently and safely prototype within a dedicated workshop environment.
This will be a self-identified design project, agreed with lecturers through the development of a learning contract with defined milestones. The scope of identified project will enable a deeper applied understanding of design processes. Guidance on learning contract writing will include: guidance on identifying the scope of potential innovation and value in an identified project, preparation for identifying assessment milestones and outcome/s, and creating a gap analysis of skills and knowledge to support project. Workshop induction will enable students to prototype confidently and safely in a prototyping workshop environment.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -50-59% Knowledge of key area/principles. Understands the main elements of the subject area. Limited evidence of background study. Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy -good -60-69% Strong knowledge • Understands most but not all of the subject area • Evidence of background study. Good presentation with accurate communication -excellent -70% or above. Comprehensive knowledge • Detailed understanding of subject area • Extensive background study. Excellent presentation with very accurate communication
Learning Outcomes
- Critically evaluate current theoretical and methodological approaches, along with the interrelationship between the specialised field and other relevant disciplines.
- Design and undertake substantial investigations to address significant areas of theory and/or practice. Select appropriate advanced methodological approaches and critically evaluates their effectiveness.
- Develop ideas at a high level of abstraction. Develop critical responses to existing theoretical discourses, methodologies or practices and suggests new concepts or approaches.
- Liaise, co-ordinate and manage resources and professional relationships, demonstrate full accountability for outcomes.
- Operate in complex and unpredictable and/or specialised contexts, requiring selection and application from a wide range of advanced techniques, information sources and data.
Assessment type
Learning Contract - proposal for project outline, scope, timeline, managements, outcomes and deliverables.
Due date
Assessment type
Midterm Evaluation Presentation - client facing presentation of design ideation.
Due date
Assessment type
Final Evaluation Presentation - client facing presentation of the final artefact.
Due date