Module BIC-0012:
Business Functions
Business Functions 2024-25
ÌìÌì³Ô¹Ï International College (Department)
Module - Semester 1 & 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Halimatun Aris
This module gives you a basic introduction to business and management. We explore strategic planning, supply chain management and how marketing works in different types of businesses and organisations. We also consider how trade liberalisation and the development of the global market have affected businesses and led to the emergence of the "international manager".
Topics covered include:
Strategic Management -business legal framework -strategic planning and implementation
Supply Chain Management -business processes and workflow management -other key concepts in operations management
Marketing - the marketing function within a business - marketing goals and structures - simple strategic analysis of the marketing environment - marketing mix planning - the product life cycle and research into and development of new products
Globalisation - the growth of the multi-national company - the impact of new technology, especially the internet - the international manager - the European Union and its impact on British businesses - implicit and explicit barriers to trade - the WTO and other global organisations and agencies
Assessment Strategy
Threshold (40-49% / D- to D+) Has shown knowledge of key areas and principles but there is a weakness in understanding the subject area. Work shows limited evidence of background study and research. Answer is only poorly focussed on question and with some irrelevant material and poor structure. Some arguments are presented but lack coherence.
Satisfactory (50–59% / C- to C+) Has shown knowledge of the key areas and principles and the main elements of the subject area are understood. Work shows limited evidence of background study and research. Answer is focussed on question but also with some irrelevant material and weakness in structure. Arguments are presented but lack coherence.
Good (60-69% / B- to B+) Has shown a strong knowledge and understands most of the subject area. Work shows evidence of background study and research. Answer is focussed, has a good structure, and contains coherent arguments.
Excellent (70%-100% / A- to A*) Has shown a comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the subject area. Work shows extensive background study and research. Answer is highly focussed, well-structured and contains logically presented and defended arguments.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe key aspects of globalisation, supply-chain management, and international organisations and agencies that influence the flow of international trade
- Discuss the marketing mix and identify an appropriate marketing strategy for a business.
- Understand different functions of management in terms of strategic planning, efficiency and the maintenance of high quality and standards of product and service.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Essay - Conduct a mini-research of a business organisation and reflect on its business activities/functions and marketing strategy
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
Unseen exam which consists of short answer and multiple choice questions.