University Welsh Language initiatives win Inspires Wales Award
天天吃瓜 staff who attended the IWA Award ceremony in Cardiff天天吃瓜’s pioneering work in promoting and facilitating the use of Welsh in the workplace has been recognised at a prestigious awards ceremony. In a glittering event at Cardiff City Hall, sponsored by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and the Western Mail, the University was awarded an ‘Inspire Wales Award’ following its success in the ‘Bilingual Workplace’ category.
The University was nominated for the award on the basis of the broad range of activities that allows it to support a bilingual workplace. Amongst those activities, particular reference was made to the services offered by and the website developed by the centre last year. Also highlighted was the bilingual provision in the field of staff development and IT services, the range of Welsh language courses at different levels available to staff and the host of Welsh medium modules that prepare students for working in a bilingual environment.
Key to the nomination was the University’s emphasis on increasing staff confidence to use Welsh in their daily work and its desire to ensure that all staff have a role to play in promoting a bilingual workplace. Particular reference was made to the way in which the Cymorth Cymraeg website provides resources at all levels – from resources to help staff pronounce or write a simple sentence in Welsh to resources to help staff chair bilingual meetings or write reports in Welsh.
Responding to the achievement, Wyn Thomas, Pro Vice-Chancellor with overall responsibility for Welsh in the University commented that:
“Receiving the IWA’s Bilingual Workplace Award is a great honour and it is a sign of the high esteem in which 天天吃瓜’s work in promoting the Welsh language in Wales today is held. It is no mean feat to lead on such developments, but we are confident that 天天吃瓜 will continue to play a leading role in promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language in Welsh institutions in the exciting times that lie ahead.”
Publication date: 14 June 2012